C++/Tree Mapping Hello World Example
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hello.hxx File Reference

Generated from hello.xsd. More...

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class  hello_t
 Class corresponding to the hello_t schema type. More...


namespace  xml_schema
 C++ namespace for the http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema schema namespace.
namespace  xml_schema::dom
 DOM interaction.


typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::type xml_schema::type
 C++ type corresponding to the anyType XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type< char, typexml_schema::simple_type
 C++ type corresponding to the anySimpleType XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::type xml_schema::container
 Alias for the anyType type.
typedef signed char xml_schema::byte
 C++ type corresponding to the byte XML Schema built-in type.
typedef unsigned char xml_schema::unsigned_byte
 C++ type corresponding to the unsignedByte XML Schema built-in type.
typedef short xml_schema::short_
 C++ type corresponding to the short XML Schema built-in type.
typedef unsigned short xml_schema::unsigned_short
 C++ type corresponding to the unsignedShort XML Schema built-in type.
typedef int xml_schema::int_
 C++ type corresponding to the int XML Schema built-in type.
typedef unsigned int xml_schema::unsigned_int
 C++ type corresponding to the unsignedInt XML Schema built-in type.
typedef long long xml_schema::long_
 C++ type corresponding to the long XML Schema built-in type.
typedef unsigned long long xml_schema::unsigned_long
 C++ type corresponding to the unsignedLong XML Schema built-in type.
typedef long long xml_schema::integer
 C++ type corresponding to the integer XML Schema built-in type.
typedef long long xml_schema::non_positive_integer
 C++ type corresponding to the nonPositiveInteger XML Schema built-in type.
typedef unsigned long long xml_schema::non_negative_integer
 C++ type corresponding to the nonNegativeInteger XML Schema built-in type.
typedef unsigned long long xml_schema::positive_integer
 C++ type corresponding to the positiveInteger XML Schema built-in type.
typedef long long xml_schema::negative_integer
 C++ type corresponding to the negativeInteger XML Schema built-in type.
typedef bool xml_schema::boolean
 C++ type corresponding to the boolean XML Schema built-in type.
typedef float xml_schema::float_
 C++ type corresponding to the float XML Schema built-in type.
typedef double xml_schema::double_
 C++ type corresponding to the double XML Schema built-in type.
typedef double xml_schema::decimal
 C++ type corresponding to the decimal XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::string< char, simple_typexml_schema::string
 C++ type corresponding to the string XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::normalized_string< char, stringxml_schema::normalized_string
 C++ type corresponding to the normalizedString XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::token< char, normalized_stringxml_schema::token
 C++ type corresponding to the token XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::name< char, tokenxml_schema::name
 C++ type corresponding to the Name XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::nmtoken< char, tokenxml_schema::nmtoken
 C++ type corresponding to the NMTOKEN XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::nmtokens< char, simple_type, nmtokenxml_schema::nmtokens
 C++ type corresponding to the NMTOKENS XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::ncname< char, namexml_schema::ncname
 C++ type corresponding to the NCName XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::language< char, tokenxml_schema::language
 C++ type corresponding to the language XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::id< char, ncnamexml_schema::id
 C++ type corresponding to the ID XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::idref< char, ncname, typexml_schema::idref
 C++ type corresponding to the IDREF XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::idrefs< char, simple_type, idrefxml_schema::idrefs
 C++ type corresponding to the IDREFS XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::uri< char, simple_typexml_schema::uri
 C++ type corresponding to the anyURI XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::qname< char, simple_type, uri, ncnamexml_schema::qname
 C++ type corresponding to the QName XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::buffer< charxml_schema::buffer
 Binary buffer type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::base64_binary< char, simple_typexml_schema::base64_binary
 C++ type corresponding to the base64Binary XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::hex_binary< char, simple_typexml_schema::hex_binary
 C++ type corresponding to the hexBinary XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::time_zone xml_schema::time_zone
 Time zone type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::date< char, simple_typexml_schema::date
 C++ type corresponding to the date XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::date_time< char, simple_typexml_schema::date_time
 C++ type corresponding to the dateTime XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::duration< char, simple_typexml_schema::duration
 C++ type corresponding to the duration XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::gday< char, simple_typexml_schema::gday
 C++ type corresponding to the gDay XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::gmonth< char, simple_typexml_schema::gmonth
 C++ type corresponding to the gMonth XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::gmonth_day< char, simple_typexml_schema::gmonth_day
 C++ type corresponding to the gMonthDay XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::gyear< char, simple_typexml_schema::gyear
 C++ type corresponding to the gYear XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::gyear_month< char, simple_typexml_schema::gyear_month
 C++ type corresponding to the gYearMonth XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::time< char, simple_typexml_schema::time
 C++ type corresponding to the time XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::entity< char, ncnamexml_schema::entity
 C++ type corresponding to the ENTITY XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::entities< char, simple_type, entityxml_schema::entities
 C++ type corresponding to the ENTITIES XML Schema built-in type.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::content_order xml_schema::content_order
 Content order sequence entry.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags xml_schema::flags
 Parsing and serialization flags.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< charxml_schema::properties
 Parsing properties.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::severity xml_schema::severity
 Error severity.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::error< charxml_schema::error
 Error condition.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::diagnostics< charxml_schema::diagnostics
 List of error conditions.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::exception< charxml_schema::exception
 Root of the C++/Tree exception hierarchy.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::bounds< charxml_schema::bounds
 Exception indicating that the size argument exceeds the capacity argument.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::duplicate_id< charxml_schema::duplicate_id
 Exception indicating that a duplicate ID value was encountered in the object model.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< charxml_schema::parsing
 Exception indicating a parsing failure.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< charxml_schema::expected_element
 Exception indicating that an expected element was not encountered.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element< charxml_schema::unexpected_element
 Exception indicating that an unexpected element was encountered.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_attribute< charxml_schema::expected_attribute
 Exception indicating that an expected attribute was not encountered.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator< charxml_schema::unexpected_enumerator
 Exception indicating that an unexpected enumerator was encountered.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_text_content< charxml_schema::expected_text_content
 Exception indicating that the text content was expected for an element.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::no_prefix_mapping< charxml_schema::no_prefix_mapping
 Exception indicating that a prefix-namespace mapping was not provided.
typedef ::xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler< charxml_schema::error_handler
 Error handler callback interface.


Parsing functions for the hello document root.

The hello element is a root of the Hello XML vocabulary. Every conforming document should start with this element.

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (const ::std::string &uri, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a URI or a local file.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (const ::std::string &uri, ::xml_schema::error_handler &eh, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a URI or a local file with an error handler.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (const ::std::string &uri, ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler &eh, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a URI or a local file with a Xerces-C++ DOM error handler.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (::std::istream &is, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a standard input stream.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (::std::istream &is, ::xml_schema::error_handler &eh, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a standard input stream with an error handler.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (::std::istream &is, ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler &eh, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a standard input stream with a Xerces-C++ DOM error handler.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (::std::istream &is, const ::std::string &id, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a standard input stream with a resource id.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (::std::istream &is, const ::std::string &id, ::xml_schema::error_handler &eh, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a standard input stream with a resource id and an error handler.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (::std::istream &is, const ::std::string &id, ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler &eh, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a standard input stream with a resource id and a Xerces-C++ DOM error handler.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (::xercesc::InputSource &is, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a Xerces-C++ input source.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (::xercesc::InputSource &is, ::xml_schema::error_handler &eh, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a Xerces-C++ input source with an error handler.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (::xercesc::InputSource &is, ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler &eh, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a Xerces-C++ input source with a Xerces-C++ DOM error handler.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (const ::xercesc::DOMDocument &d, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a Xerces-C++ DOM document.
::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_thello (::xml_schema::dom::unique_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d, ::xml_schema::flags f=0, const ::xml_schema::properties &p=::xml_schema::properties())
 Parse a Xerces-C++ DOM document.


const XMLCh *const xml_schema::dom::tree_node_key = ::xsd::cxx::tree::user_data_keys::node
 DOM user data key for back pointers to tree nodes.

Detailed Description

Generated from hello.xsd.

Function Documentation

◆ hello() [1/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( ::std::istream &  is,
::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler &  eh,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a standard input stream with a Xerces-C++ DOM error handler.

isA standrad input stream.
ehA Xerces-C++ DOM error handler.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

This function reports parsing errors by calling the error handler.

◆ hello() [2/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( ::std::istream &  is,
::xml_schema::error_handler eh,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a standard input stream with an error handler.

isA standrad input stream.
ehAn error handler.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

This function reports parsing errors by calling the error handler.

◆ hello() [3/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( ::std::istream &  is,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a standard input stream.

isA standrad input stream.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

This function uses exceptions to report parsing errors.

◆ hello() [4/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( ::std::istream &  is,
const ::std::string &  id,
::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler &  eh,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a standard input stream with a resource id and a Xerces-C++ DOM error handler.

isA standrad input stream.
idA resource id.
ehA Xerces-C++ DOM error handler.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

The resource id is used to identify the document being parsed in diagnostics as well as to resolve relative paths.

This function reports parsing errors by calling the error handler.

◆ hello() [5/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( ::std::istream &  is,
const ::std::string &  id,
::xml_schema::error_handler eh,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a standard input stream with a resource id and an error handler.

isA standrad input stream.
idA resource id.
ehAn error handler.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

The resource id is used to identify the document being parsed in diagnostics as well as to resolve relative paths.

This function reports parsing errors by calling the error handler.

◆ hello() [6/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( ::std::istream &  is,
const ::std::string &  id,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a standard input stream with a resource id.

isA standrad input stream.
idA resource id.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

The resource id is used to identify the document being parsed in diagnostics as well as to resolve relative paths.

This function uses exceptions to report parsing errors.

◆ hello() [7/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( ::xercesc::InputSource &  is,
::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler &  eh,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a Xerces-C++ input source with a Xerces-C++ DOM error handler.

isA Xerces-C++ input source.
ehA Xerces-C++ DOM error handler.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

This function reports parsing errors by calling the error handler.

◆ hello() [8/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( ::xercesc::InputSource &  is,
::xml_schema::error_handler eh,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a Xerces-C++ input source with an error handler.

isA Xerces-C++ input source.
ehAn error handler.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

This function reports parsing errors by calling the error handler.

◆ hello() [9/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( ::xercesc::InputSource &  is,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a Xerces-C++ input source.

isA Xerces-C++ input source.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

This function uses exceptions to report parsing errors.

◆ hello() [10/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( ::xml_schema::dom::unique_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument >  d,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a Xerces-C++ DOM document.

dA pointer to the Xerces-C++ DOM document.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

This function is normally used together with the keep_dom and own_dom parsing flags to assign ownership of the DOM document to the object model.

◆ hello() [11/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( const ::std::string &  uri,
::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler &  eh,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a URI or a local file with a Xerces-C++ DOM error handler.

uriA URI or a local file name.
ehA Xerces-C++ DOM error handler.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

This function reports parsing errors by calling the error handler.

◆ hello() [12/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( const ::std::string &  uri,
::xml_schema::error_handler eh,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a URI or a local file with an error handler.

uriA URI or a local file name.
ehAn error handler.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

This function reports parsing errors by calling the error handler.

◆ hello() [13/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( const ::std::string &  uri,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a URI or a local file.

uriA URI or a local file name.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

This function uses exceptions to report parsing errors.

◆ hello() [14/14]

::std::unique_ptr< ::hello_t > hello ( const ::xercesc::DOMDocument &  d,
::xml_schema::flags  f = 0,
const ::xml_schema::properties p = ::xml_schema::properties() 

Parse a Xerces-C++ DOM document.

dA Xerces-C++ DOM document.
fParsing flags.
pParsing properties.
A pointer to the root of the object model.

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