[xsd-users] Re: FpML output is not being produced properly
Cuneyt.Karadag at akbank.com
Cuneyt.Karadag at akbank.com
Tue May 3 07:43:30 EDT 2011
Hi Boris,
Actually I have removed all "xercesc::" parts even from the libxsd files. My generated .cc sources could not be compiled if I would not remove them.
Now I have restarted my progress from the beginning. I have extracted the tar file I have downloaded from your site. Then I have copied them to the related directory and I have generated all the .cc and .h files again. I have tried to compile my generated files and I got errors below as normal.
sumbo at hazdev1% make
/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -D_RWCONFIG=12d -features=no%localfor -features=no%conststrings -library=no%rwtools7 -erroff=nonewline -I. -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/suthreads -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/sutools -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/ie -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/CORE_AND_PATCHES_V5_3_1/include -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/CORE_AND_PATCHES_V5_3_1/include/suthreads -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/CORE_AND_PATCHES_V5_3_1/include/sutools -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/CORE_AND_PATCHES_V5_3_1/ie -I/opt/SUNWspro/include/CC -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xml -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/CORE_AND_PATCHES_V5_3_1/include/xml -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summittools/xercesc-2_8_0-icu3.8.1-Sol10-Studio11/include -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summittools/xercesc-2_8_0-icu3.8.1-Sol10-Studio11/include/xercesc -g -DSU_FEAT005 -DSU_TTRS -DSU_MKV -DSU_SOLARIS_8 -DRELEASE5 -DDEBUG -DRW_NO_OVERLOAD_SCHAR -DSUMMITBASE=\"V51\" -c -KPIC fpml-main-4-7.cc
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/xml/elements.hxx", line 80: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/xml/elements.hxx", line 80: Error: The function "Initialize" must have a prototype.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/xml/elements.hxx", line 86: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/xml/elements.hxx", line 86: Error: The function "Terminate" must have a prototype.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 342: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 352: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 365: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 529: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 541: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 579: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 705: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 718: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 807: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 814: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 823: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 824: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 830: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 890: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 897: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 908: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 916: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 583: Error: xercesc is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 583: Error: ELEMENT_NODE is not defined.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 583: Error: An integer constant expression is required for a case label.
"/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx", line 596: Error: xercesc is not defined.
Compilation aborted, too many Error messages.
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `fpml-main-4-7.o'
sumbo at hazdev1%
According to second way of your solution I should fix the XSD runtime library (libxsd) myself not to use Xerces-C++ namespaces. Obviously I could not understand how to do it.
Could you please explain it more detail?
Thanks for your helps.
-----Original Message-----
From: Boris Kolpackov [mailto:boris at codesynthesis.com]
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 7:07 PM
To: Cüneyt Karadağ (BT Uygulama Geliştirme Bölümü)
Cc: Şenel Hiçyılmaz (BT Uygulama Geliştirme Bölümü); xsd-users at codesynthesis.com
Subject: Re: [xsd-users] Re: FpML output is not being produced properly
Hi Cuneyt,
Cuneyt.Karadag at akbank.com <Cuneyt.Karadag at akbank.com> writes:
> xmldsig-core-schema.xsd: warning T004: generating parsing and
> serialization functions for 24 global elements
> [...]
> Is this normal?
It is a warning that informs that you are getting a lot more code than
is probably necessary. You can resolve it by adding --root-element-none
when compiling this (and only this) schema.
> /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -D_RWCONFIG=12d -features=no%localfor ...
> "xmldsig-core-schema.cc", line 13086: Error: Multiple declaration for b.
This is caused by the -features=no%localfor option. If you remove it,
you won't get any of these errors.
> I have fixed these errors by changing the latter variables as n1 b1,
> n2 b2, ... and compiled again.
That's not the only thing that you have changed in the generated code.
You also removed all the xercesc:: namespace qualifications and that's
what is causing the errors. You should have mentioned this from the
You seem to have a non-standard build of Xerces-C++ with namespace
disabled. We don't support this configuration. As a result, you have
two options:
1. Change to the standard Xerces-C++ build with namespaces. You can
get a pre-built binary for Solaris from the Xerces-C++ website.
2. Fix the XSD runtime library (libxsd) yourself not to use Xerces-C++
namespaces. To find all the places that need changing, search for
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