[xsd-users] Ostream operator for optional containers

Rance Kirtley rkirtley at asinc.com
Wed Aug 6 09:51:32 EDT 2008


            I'm using version XSD XML Schema to C++ compiler 3.1.1.a7 and
have a minor problem with ostream operator generator code not handling
optional container types correctly.  For example the schema


  <xs:complexType name="ValuePathType">




          <xs:element name="Attribute" type="NameType" />

          <xs:element name="RemoteAttribute" type="LocationType" />


        <xs:choice minOccurs="0">

          <xs:element name="Offset" type="xs:integer" />

          <xs:element name="TimeStamp" type="xs:time" />



      <xs:element name="Literal">


          <xs:group ref="ValueGroup" />






generates the code



operator<< (::std::ostream& o, const ValuePathType& i)


  if (i.Attribute ())


    o << ::std::endl << "Attribute: " << *i.Attribute ();



  if (i.RemoteAttribute ())


    o << ::std::endl << "RemoteAttribute: " << *i.RemoteAttribute ();



  if (i.Offset ())


    o << ::std::endl << "Offset: " << *i.Offset ();



  if (i.TimeStamp ())


    o << ::std::endl << "TimeStamp: " << *i.TimeStamp ();



  if (i.Literal ())


    o << ::std::endl << "Literal: " << *i.Literal ();



  return o;



We get compile errors because the TimeStamp is in an optional container.  My
work-around is to further qualify the statement; eg

    o << ::std::endl << "TimeStamp: " <<  (*i.TimeStamp ()).hours();



Not a big issue, just reporting.




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