Fwd: Re: [xsd-users] Lines numbers after parsing
Jon D
tyrecius13 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 8 05:28:27 EDT 2007
--- Boris Kolpackov <boris at codesynthesis.com> wrote:
> I would definitely like this bug reported and fixed in Xerces-C++.
> I checked and it appears the DOMUserDataHandler interface is supposed
> to support cloning. Are you saying if you clone the whole tree (from
> DOMDocument) then the corresponding clone events are not triggered
> on DOMUserDataHandler? What about the current SVN version?
Below is my current minimal example which consistently reproduces the
bug on my system. Note that I have just been using the simple hello.xml
and hello.xsd files from your examples as data:
---Begin minimal.cc---
// minimal.cpp
#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XMLChar.hpp>
#include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp>
#include <xercesc/dom/DOMUserDataHandler.hpp>
#include <xercesc/parsers/XercesDOMParser.hpp>
#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/elements.hxx>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::auto_ptr;
using namespace xercesc;
namespace xml = xsd::cxx::xml;
static XMLCh * customKey = L"CustomKey";
class CustomDataHandler : public DOMUserDataHandler {
virtual void handle(DOMOperationType operation,
const XMLCh *const /*key*/,
void * /*data*/,
const DOMNode * /*src*/,
const DOMNode * /*dst*/)
cerr << "dataHandler called" << endl;
static CustomDataHandler dataHandler;
class CustomDOMParser : public XercesDOMParser
virtual void startElement(const XMLElementDecl &elemDecl,
const unsigned int uriId,
const XMLCh *const prefixName,
const RefVectorOf<XMLAttr> & attrList,
const unsigned int attrCount,
const bool isEmpty,
const bool isRoot)
XercesDOMParser::startElement(elemDecl, uriId, prefixName,
attrCount, isEmpty, isRoot);
getCurrentNode()->setUserData(customKey, (void*)5, &dataHandler);
int main()
auto_ptr<CustomDOMParser> parser(new CustomDOMParser());
xml::dom::auto_ptr<DOMDocument> original(parser->adoptDocument());
cerr << "--- Before clone document" << endl;
cerr << "--- After clone document" << endl << endl;
cerr << "--- Before clone element" << endl;
xml::dom::auto_ptr<DOMNode> clonedElement
cerr << "--- After clone element" << endl << endl;
catch (...)
cerr << "Unknown Exception" << endl;
return 0;
---End minimal.cc---
The result I get is:
--- Before clone document
--- After clone document
--- Before clone element
dataHandler called
dataHandler called
dataHandler called
dataHandler called
dataHandler called
--- After clone element
dataHandler called
dataHandler called
dataHandler called
dataHandler called
dataHandler called
Which implies that the dataHandler is not being called when cloning the
document as a whole. I've spot tested other parts of the cloned
document (using things like getLocalName()) and they seem to be ok.
I've only tested it under Windows XP using VC++ 7.1. I will try to
reproduce it under linux and the latest SVN after I remove the last
little bits of xsd (your nifty auto_ptrs). If I can still reproduce it
I'll submit it as a bug. This behaviour seems very odd to me as well.
Let me know whether you can reproduce it and if I am doing anything
obviously incorrect here.
> Actually the upcoming version (3.0.0) will support re-using DOM trees
> without cloning. For that a new flag, xml_schema::flags::own_dom, was
> added. You can already get this functionality in the latest 3.0.0.b2.
> For more information on this flag see Chapter 3, "Parsing" in the
> C++/Tree Mapping User Manual that comes with the 3.0.0.b2 release.
> The final 3.0.0 should be released in 2-3 weeks.
That will be a handy workaround until the core bug gets fixed. Thanks.
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