[xsd-users] Please help on this C++ code test_parser.cxx

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Fri Dec 8 09:21:28 EST 2006

Hi Paul,

Ac22750085 at yahoo.com <ac22750085 at yahoo.com> writes:

>     Attached please find a jar file test_parser.jar which includes
>     your example for hello.xsd and my schema file cart_conf.xsd

Thanks. In the future please refrain from sending generated code and
executables -- XML file, schema file and your implementation are usually

>     I have generated the header file cart_conf.hxx and the
>     template file cart_conf.txx successfully for the cart_conf.xsd
>     schema file then I mimic your test program driver.cxx and
>     wrote a test program called test_parser.cxx and tried to print
>     out the information cart_conf_version, cartconf_name and
>     cartconf_revision out from the cart_conf.xml file
>     but it only prints out the debug statements.
> [...]
>    Could you look the program test_parser.cxx to see what I did wrong

It does not work because you parser structure does not correspond to
the document structure. For example, you are trying to parse a root
element of the document with the header_infoType parser.

Here is a working parser for the root element to get you started:

struct cartconf_parser: cartconf<void,
                                 string, //cart_conf_version


  virtual void
  cart_conf_version (const string& v)
    cout << "version: " << v << endl;

xml_schema::string string_p;
cartconf_parser cartconf_p;

cartconf_p.cart_conf_version_parser (string_p);
xml_schema::document<void> doc_p (cartconf_p, "cartconf");

Now in order to get to the name and revision, you will first need to
implement a parser for cart_header and plug it into cartconf after the
version. Only then you can get to the header_infoType parser which
should be plugged to the cart_header parser.

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