[xsd-users] Please help on this C++ code test_parser.cxx

Ac22750085 at yahoo.com ac22750085 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 7 18:13:00 EST 2006


    Attached please find a jar file test_parser.jar which includes
    your example for hello.xsd and my schema file cart_conf.xsd

    I have generated the header file cart_conf.hxx and the
    template file cart_conf.txx successfully for the cart_conf.xsd
    schema file then I mimic your test program driver.cxx and
    wrote a test program called test_parser.cxx and tried to print
    out the information cart_conf_version, cartconf_name and
    cartconf_revision out from the cart_conf.xml file
    but it only prints out the debug statements.

test_parser cart_conf.xml
parsing  the document... please wait
before calling cart_conf_version_parser
after calling cart_conf_version_parser

   Could you look the program test_parser.cxx to see what I did wrong

Thanks and Best Regards,

Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: test_parser.jar
Type: application/x-jar
Size: 190974 bytes
Desc: 414051843-test_parser.jar
Url : http://codesynthesis.com/pipermail/xsd-users/attachments/20061207/ec1d4d3f/test_parser.bin

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