[xsd-users] Lint errors

Andrew Ward andy.ward at hevday.com
Wed Apr 26 17:53:49 EDT 2006

I am currently evaluating XSD and have run the generated C++ code from 
your hello.xsd example 
through PC_Lint. I get a few C++ syntactic errors with the generated 
code. My question is, what are the feelings towards these errors, do 
they pose a problem, and are they likely to be fixed?

Here is the Lint output:
Descriptions for the error numbers can be found here:

--- Module:   hello.cxx (C++)
hello.hxx(227) : Error 1040: Symbol 'hello_type::greeting::type' is not 
a legal
    declaration within class 'hello_type'
hello.hxx(227) : Warning 601: No explicit type for symbol 
    int assumed
hello.hxx(227) : Error 36: redefining the storage class of symbol
    'hello_type::greeting::type' (member of structure vs. type), 
conflicts with
    line 220
hello.hxx(220) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello.hxx(227) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  greeting (greeting::type const&);
hello.hxx(231) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'greeting'
hello.hxx(231) : Error 1001: Scope 'greeting' must be a struct or class name
hello.hxx(231) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'type'
hello.hxx(231) : Warning 601: No explicit type for symbol '<unknown>', int
  greeting (::std::auto_ptr< greeting::type >);
hello.hxx(234) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'greeting'
hello.hxx(234) : Error 1001: Scope 'greeting' must be a struct or class name
hello.hxx(234) : Error 151: Token 'type' inconsistent with abstract type
hello.hxx(234) : Error 1054: template variable declaration expects a 
type, int
hello.hxx(251) : Error 1040: Symbol 'hello_type::name::container' is not a
    legal declaration within class 'hello_type'
hello.hxx(251) : Warning 601: No explicit type for symbol 
    int assumed
hello.hxx(251) : Error 36: redefining the storage class of symbol
    'hello_type::name::container' (member of structure vs. type), conflicts
    with line 243
hello.hxx(243) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello.hxx(251) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  name (name::container const&);
hello.hxx(255) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'name'
hello.hxx(255) : Error 1001: Scope 'name' must be a struct or class name
hello.hxx(255) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'container'
hello.hxx(255) : Warning 601: No explicit type for symbol '<unknown>', int
  hello_type (greeting::type const&);
hello.hxx(260) : Error 1040: Symbol 'hello_type::greeting::type' is not 
a legal
    declaration within class 'hello_type'
hello.hxx(260) : Error 10: Expecting ')'
          ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* = 0) const;
hello.hxx(272) : Info 1735: Virtual function 
    xsd::cxx::tree::_type *) const' has default parameter -- Effective 
C++ #38
  ::xsd::cxx::tree::one_functor< greeting::type > _xsd_greeting_;
hello.hxx(281) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'greeting'
hello.hxx(281) : Error 1001: Scope 'greeting' must be a struct or class name
hello.hxx(281) : Error 151: Token 'type' inconsistent with abstract type
hello.hxx(281) : Error 1054: template variable declaration expects a 
type, int
hello.hxx(281) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'greeting'
hello.hxx(281) : Error 1001: Scope 'greeting' must be a struct or class name
hello.hxx(281) : Error 151: Token 'type' inconsistent with abstract type
hello.hxx(281) : Error 1054: template variable declaration expects a 
type, int
  ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence_functor< name::type > _xsd_name_;
hello.hxx(282) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'name'
hello.hxx(282) : Error 1001: Scope 'name' must be a struct or class name
hello.hxx(282) : Error 151: Token 'type' inconsistent with abstract type
hello.hxx(282) : Error 1054: template variable declaration expects a 
type, int
hello.hxx(282) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'name'
hello.hxx(282) : Error 1001: Scope 'name' must be a struct or class name
hello.hxx(282) : Error 151: Token 'type' inconsistent with abstract type
hello.hxx(282) : Error 1054: template variable declaration expects a 
type, int
hello_type::greeting::type const& hello_type::
hello.cxx(45) : Error 1015: Symbol 'greeting' not found in class
hello.cxx(45) : Error 1001: Scope 'greeting' must be a struct or class name
hello.cxx(45) : Error 129: declaration expected, identifier 'type' ignored
hello.cxx(47) : Info 808: No explicit type given symbol 
    const', int assumed
hello.cxx(47) : Error 18: Symbol 'hello_type::greeting(void) const' 
    (basic) conflicts with line 224, file hello.hxx
hello.hxx(224) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello_type::greeting::type& hello_type::
hello.cxx(51) : Error 1015: Symbol 'greeting' not found in class
hello.cxx(51) : Error 1001: Scope 'greeting' must be a struct or class name
hello.cxx(51) : Error 129: declaration expected, identifier 'type' ignored
hello.cxx(53) : Error 1039: Symbol 'hello_type::greeting(void)' is not a 
    of class 'hello_type'
hello.cxx(53) : Info 745: function 'hello_type::greeting(void)' has no 
    type or class, int assumed
hello.cxx(53) : Error 18: Symbol 'hello_type::greeting(void)' redeclared
    (basic) conflicts with location unknown
  return this->_xsd_greeting_ ();
hello.cxx(54) : Error 1003: 'this' may not be used in a static member 
greeting (greeting::type const& greeting)
hello.cxx(58) : Error 110: Attempt to assign to void
hello.cxx(58) : Warning 530: Symbol 'type' (location unknown) not 
hello.cxx(58) : Error 10: Expecting ')'
hello.cxx(59) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
greeting (::std::auto_ptr< greeting::type > greeting)
hello.cxx(64) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'greeting'
hello.cxx(64) : Error 1001: Scope 'greeting' must be a struct or class name
hello.cxx(64) : Error 151: Token 'type' inconsistent with abstract type
hello.cxx(64) : Error 1054: template variable declaration expects a 
type, int
hello.cxx(64) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'greeting'
hello.cxx(64) : Error 1001: Scope 'greeting' must be a struct or class name
hello.cxx(64) : Error 151: Token 'type' inconsistent with abstract type
hello.cxx(64) : Error 1054: template variable declaration expects a 
type, int
hello.cxx(65) : Info 745: function 
    has no explicit type or class, int assumed
hello.cxx(65) : Error 18: Symbol 'hello_type::greeting(std::auto_ptr<int>)'
    redeclared (basic) conflicts with line 234, file hello.hxx
hello.hxx(234) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello.cxx(67) : Warning 533: function 
    should return a value (see line 63)
hello.cxx(63) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello.cxx(67) : Warning 529: Symbol 'type' (location unknown) not 
hello_type::name::container const& hello_type::
hello.cxx(69) : Error 1015: Symbol 'name' not found in class
hello.cxx(69) : Error 1001: Scope 'name' must be a struct or class name
hello.cxx(69) : Error 129: declaration expected, identifier 'container' 
hello.cxx(71) : Info 808: No explicit type given symbol 
    const', int assumed
hello.cxx(71) : Error 18: Symbol 'hello_type::name(void) const' redeclared
    (basic) conflicts with line 248, file hello.hxx
hello.hxx(248) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
  return this->_xsd_name_ ();
hello.cxx(72) : Error 64: Type mismatch (return) (int = struct)
hello_type::name::container& hello_type::
hello.cxx(75) : Error 1015: Symbol 'name' not found in class
hello.cxx(75) : Error 1001: Scope 'name' must be a struct or class name
hello.cxx(75) : Error 129: declaration expected, identifier 'container' 
hello.cxx(77) : Error 1039: Symbol 'hello_type::name(void)' is not a 
member of
    class 'hello_type'
hello.cxx(77) : Info 745: function 'hello_type::name(void)' has no explicit
    type or class, int assumed
hello.cxx(77) : Error 18: Symbol 'hello_type::name(void)' redeclared (basic)
    conflicts with location unknown
  return this->_xsd_name_ ();
hello.cxx(78) : Error 1003: 'this' may not be used in a static member 
hello.cxx(78) : Warning 1514: Creating temporary to copy 
    &' to 'int &' (context: return)
hello.cxx(78) : Error 64: Type mismatch (return) (int = struct)
name (name::container const& name)
hello.cxx(82) : Error 110: Attempt to assign to void
hello.cxx(82) : Warning 530: Symbol 'container' (location unknown) not
hello.cxx(82) : Error 10: Expecting ')'
hello.cxx(83) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
hello_type (greeting::type const& _xsd_greeting)
hello.cxx(98) : Error 110: Attempt to assign to void
hello.cxx(98) : Error 10: Expecting ')'
: ::xsd::cxx::tree::type (),
hello.cxx(99) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
hello_type (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e,
hello.cxx(120) : Error 31: Redefinition of symbol 'hello_type::hello_type'
    compare with line 98
hello.cxx(98) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello_type (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e,
hello.cxx(120) : Error 78: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element<char>'
    typedef'ed at line 195, file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx
    used in expression
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx(195) : Info 830: Location 
cited in
    prior message
hello_type (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e,
hello.cxx(120) : Error 110: Attempt to assign to void
hello.cxx(120) : Warning 530: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element<char>' 
    195, file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx) not initialized
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx(195) : Info 830: Location 
cited in
    prior message
hello_type (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e,
hello.cxx(120) : Error 10: Expecting ')'
: ::xsd::cxx::tree::type (e, f, c),
hello.cxx(123) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
_clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f,
hello.cxx(132) : Error 78: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::tree::flags' typedef'ed at line
    29, file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\tree\elements.hxx used in expression
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\tree\elements.hxx(29) : Info 830: Location cited 
in prior
_clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f,
hello.cxx(132) : Error 64: Type mismatch (initialization) (hello_type * =
hello.cxx(132) : Warning 530: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::tree::flags' (line 29, file
    C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\tree\elements.hxx) not initialized
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\tree\elements.hxx(29) : Info 830: Location cited 
in prior
_clone (::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f,
hello.cxx(132) : Error 10: Expecting ')'
        ::xsd::cxx::tree::type* c) const
hello.cxx(133) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
parse (::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > const& e,
hello.cxx(139) : Error 129: declaration expected, identifier
    'hello_type::parse' ignored
hello.cxx(139) : Error 129: declaration expected, identifier
    'xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element<char>' ignored
hello.cxx(139) : Info 808: No explicit type given symbol 'e', int assumed
hello.cxx(139) : Error 1072: Reference variable 'e' must be initialized
       ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags f)
hello.cxx(140) : Info 808: No explicit type given symbol 
    int assumed
hello.cxx(140) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::parser< char > p (e);
hello.cxx(142) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'parser'
hello.cxx(142) : Error 26: Expected an expression, found '<'
hello.cxx(142) : Error 10: Expecting '}'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
hello.cxx(203) : Error 78: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer' 
    at line 129, file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\elements.hxx used in 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\elements.hxx(129) : Info 830: Location cited 
in prior
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
hello.cxx(203) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(203) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  ::xsd::cxx::tree::error_handler< char > h;
hello.cxx(207) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'error_handler'
hello.cxx(207) : Error 26: Expected an expression, found '<'
hello.cxx(207) : Error 10: Expecting '('
hello.cxx(207) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
hello.cxx(209) : Error 78: Symbol 
    typedef'ed at line 54, file 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx used
    in expression
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx(54) : Info 830: Location cited in
    prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
hello.cxx(209) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(209) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > > ();
hello.cxx(213) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'h'
hello.cxx(213) : Error 10: Expecting a structure or union
hello.cxx(213) : Error 1013: Symbol 'throw_if_failed' not a member of 
class ''
hello.cxx(213) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'throw_if_failed'
hello.cxx(213) : Error 78: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::tree::parsing<char>' 
typedef'ed at
    line 102, file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\tree\exceptions.hxx used in 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\tree\exceptions.hxx(102) : Info 830: Location cited in
    prior message
  h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > > ();
hello.cxx(213) : Error 55: Bad type
hello.cxx(213) : Error 26: Expected an expression, found ')'
hello.cxx(213) : Warning 503: Boolean argument to relational
hello.cxx(213) : Warning 530: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::tree::parsing<char>' 
(line 102,
    file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\tree\exceptions.hxx) not initialized
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\tree\exceptions.hxx(102) : Info 830: Location cited in
    prior message
  h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > > ();
hello.cxx(213) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
    static_cast< ::xercesc::DOMDocument const& > (*d), f);
hello.cxx(216) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
hello.cxx(216) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
hello.cxx(217) : Info 715: Symbol 'p' (line 201) not referenced
hello.cxx(201) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello.cxx(217) : Info 715: Symbol 'u' (line 199) not referenced
hello.cxx(199) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
hello.cxx(225) : Error 78: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer' 
    at line 129, file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\elements.hxx used in 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\elements.hxx(129) : Info 830: Location cited 
in prior
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
hello.cxx(225) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(225) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
hello.cxx(229) : Error 78: Symbol 
    typedef'ed at line 54, file 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx used
    in expression
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx(54) : Info 830: Location cited in
    prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
hello.cxx(229) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(229) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  if (!d)
hello.cxx(233) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
    static_cast< ::xercesc::DOMDocument const& > (*d), f);
hello.cxx(239) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
hello.cxx(239) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
hello.cxx(240) : Info 715: Symbol 'p' (line 223) not referenced
hello.cxx(223) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello.cxx(240) : Info 715: Symbol 'u' (line 220) not referenced
hello.cxx(220) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello.cxx(240) : Info 715: Symbol 'h' (line 221) not referenced
hello.cxx(221) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
hello.cxx(248) : Error 78: Symbol 
    typedef'ed at line 54, file 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx used
    in expression
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx(54) : Info 830: Location cited in
    prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
hello.cxx(248) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(248) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  if (!d)
hello.cxx(252) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
    static_cast< ::xercesc::DOMDocument const& > (*d), f);
hello.cxx(258) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
hello.cxx(258) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
hello.cxx(259) : Info 715: Symbol 'p' (line 246) not referenced
hello.cxx(246) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello.cxx(259) : Info 715: Symbol 'u' (line 243) not referenced
hello.cxx(243) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello.cxx(259) : Info 715: Symbol 'h' (line 244) not referenced
hello.cxx(244) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
hello.cxx(266) : Error 78: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer' 
    at line 129, file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\elements.hxx used in 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\elements.hxx(129) : Info 830: Location cited 
in prior
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
hello.cxx(266) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(266) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is);
hello.cxx(270) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'sax'
hello.cxx(270) : Error 1001: Scope 'sax' must be a struct or class name
hello.cxx(270) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'std_input_source'
hello.cxx(270) : Error 1055: Symbol 'isrc' undeclared, assumed to return int
hello.cxx(270) : Info 746: call to function 'isrc()' not made in the 
    of a prototype
  xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource wrap (&isrc, false);
hello.cxx(271) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'Wrapper4InputSource'
hello.cxx(271) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(271) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  return ::hello (wrap, f, p);
hello.cxx(272) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'wrap'
hello.cxx(272) : Error 1025: No function matches invocation 'hello(const 
    xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char>)', 13
    candidates found, 13 matched the argument count, none matched on 
arg. no. 1
hello.cxx(272) : Info 1703: Function 'hello(const 
    &, xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char> &)'
    arbitrarily selected.  Refer to Error 1025
hello.cxx(272) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'wrap'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
hello.cxx(281) : Error 78: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer' 
    at line 129, file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\elements.hxx used in 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\elements.hxx(129) : Info 830: Location cited 
in prior
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
hello.cxx(281) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(281) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is);
hello.cxx(285) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'sax'
hello.cxx(285) : Error 1001: Scope 'sax' must be a struct or class name
hello.cxx(285) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'std_input_source'
  xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource wrap (&isrc, false);
hello.cxx(286) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'Wrapper4InputSource'
hello.cxx(286) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(286) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  return ::hello (wrap, h, f, p);
hello.cxx(287) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'wrap'
hello.cxx(287) : Error 1025: No function matches invocation 'hello(const 
    xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler<char>, xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const
    xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char>)', 13 candidates found, 9 matched the
    argument count, none matched on arg. no. 1
hello.cxx(287) : Info 1703: Function 'hello(const 
    &, xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char> &)'
    arbitrarily selected.  Refer to Error 1025
hello.cxx(287) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'wrap'
hello.cxx(287) : Error 64: Type mismatch (arg. no. 2) 
(xsd::cxx::tree::flags =
    xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler<char> &)
hello.cxx(287) : Error 64: Type mismatch (arg. no. 3) 
    = xsd::cxx::tree::flags)
hello.cxx(287) : Error 119: Too many arguments (4) for prototype 
    std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>> &,
    xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char> &)'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is);
hello.cxx(296) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'sax'
hello.cxx(296) : Error 1001: Scope 'sax' must be a struct or class name
hello.cxx(296) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'std_input_source'
  xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource wrap (&isrc, false);
hello.cxx(297) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'Wrapper4InputSource'
hello.cxx(297) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(297) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  return ::hello (wrap, h, f, p);
hello.cxx(298) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'wrap'
hello.cxx(298) : Error 1025: No function matches invocation 'hello(const 
    xercesc_2_7::DOMErrorHandler, xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const
    xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char>)', 13 candidates found, 9 matched the
    argument count, none matched on arg. no. 1
hello.cxx(298) : Info 1703: Function 'hello(const 
    &, xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char> &)'
    arbitrarily selected.  Refer to Error 1025
hello.cxx(298) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'wrap'
hello.cxx(298) : Error 64: Type mismatch (arg. no. 2) 
(xsd::cxx::tree::flags =
    xercesc_2_7::DOMErrorHandler &)
hello.cxx(298) : Error 64: Type mismatch (arg. no. 3) 
    = xsd::cxx::tree::flags)
hello.cxx(298) : Error 119: Too many arguments (4) for prototype 
    std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>> &,
    xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char> &)'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
hello.cxx(307) : Error 78: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer' 
    at line 129, file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\elements.hxx used in 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\elements.hxx(129) : Info 830: Location cited 
in prior
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
hello.cxx(307) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(307) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, sid);
hello.cxx(311) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'sax'
hello.cxx(311) : Error 1001: Scope 'sax' must be a struct or class name
hello.cxx(311) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'std_input_source'
hello.cxx(311) : Warning 515: Symbol 'isrc()' has arg. count conflict (2 
vs. 1)
    with line 270
hello.cxx(270) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
  xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource wrap (&isrc, false);
hello.cxx(312) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'Wrapper4InputSource'
hello.cxx(312) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(312) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  return ::hello (wrap, f, p);
hello.cxx(313) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'wrap'
hello.cxx(313) : Error 1025: No function matches invocation 'hello(const 
    xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char>)', 13
    candidates found, 13 matched the argument count, none matched on 
arg. no. 1
hello.cxx(313) : Info 1703: Function 'hello(const 
    &, xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char> &)'
    arbitrarily selected.  Refer to Error 1025
hello.cxx(313) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'wrap'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
hello.cxx(323) : Error 78: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer' 
    at line 129, file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\elements.hxx used in 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\elements.hxx(129) : Info 830: Location cited 
in prior
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::auto_initializer i (
hello.cxx(323) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(323) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, sid);
hello.cxx(327) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'sax'
hello.cxx(327) : Error 1001: Scope 'sax' must be a struct or class name
hello.cxx(327) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'std_input_source'
hello.cxx(327) : Warning 515: Symbol 'isrc()' has arg. count conflict (2 
vs. 1)
    with line 270
hello.cxx(270) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
  xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource wrap (&isrc, false);
hello.cxx(328) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'Wrapper4InputSource'
hello.cxx(328) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(328) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  return ::hello (wrap, h, f, p);
hello.cxx(329) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'wrap'
hello.cxx(329) : Error 1025: No function matches invocation 'hello(const 
    xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler<char>, xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const
    xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char>)', 13 candidates found, 9 matched the
    argument count, none matched on arg. no. 1
hello.cxx(329) : Info 1703: Function 'hello(const 
    &, xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char> &)'
    arbitrarily selected.  Refer to Error 1025
hello.cxx(329) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'wrap'
hello.cxx(329) : Error 64: Type mismatch (arg. no. 2) 
(xsd::cxx::tree::flags =
    xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler<char> &)
hello.cxx(329) : Error 64: Type mismatch (arg. no. 3) 
    = xsd::cxx::tree::flags)
hello.cxx(329) : Error 119: Too many arguments (4) for prototype 
    std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>> &,
    xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char> &)'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::sax::std_input_source isrc (is, sid);
hello.cxx(339) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'sax'
hello.cxx(339) : Error 1001: Scope 'sax' must be a struct or class name
hello.cxx(339) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'std_input_source'
hello.cxx(339) : Warning 515: Symbol 'isrc()' has arg. count conflict (2 
vs. 1)
    with line 270
hello.cxx(270) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
  xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource wrap (&isrc, false);
hello.cxx(340) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'Wrapper4InputSource'
hello.cxx(340) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(340) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  return ::hello (wrap, h, f, p);
hello.cxx(341) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'wrap'
hello.cxx(341) : Error 1025: No function matches invocation 'hello(const 
    xercesc_2_7::DOMErrorHandler, xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const
    xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char>)', 13 candidates found, 9 matched the
    argument count, none matched on arg. no. 1
hello.cxx(341) : Info 1703: Function 'hello(const 
    &, xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char> &)'
    arbitrarily selected.  Refer to Error 1025
hello.cxx(341) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'wrap'
hello.cxx(341) : Error 64: Type mismatch (arg. no. 2) 
(xsd::cxx::tree::flags =
    xercesc_2_7::DOMErrorHandler &)
hello.cxx(341) : Error 64: Type mismatch (arg. no. 3) 
    = xsd::cxx::tree::flags)
hello.cxx(341) : Error 119: Too many arguments (4) for prototype 
    std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>> &,
    xsd::cxx::tree::flags, const xsd::cxx::tree::properties<char> &)'
  ::xsd::cxx::tree::error_handler< char > h;
hello.cxx(349) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'error_handler'
hello.cxx(349) : Error 26: Expected an expression, found '<'
hello.cxx(349) : Error 10: Expecting '('
hello.cxx(349) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
hello.cxx(351) : Error 78: Symbol 
    typedef'ed at line 54, file 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx used
    in expression
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx(54) : Info 830: Location cited in
    prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
hello.cxx(351) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(351) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > > ();
hello.cxx(355) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'h'
hello.cxx(355) : Error 10: Expecting a structure or union
hello.cxx(355) : Error 1013: Symbol 'throw_if_failed' not a member of 
class ''
hello.cxx(355) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'throw_if_failed'
hello.cxx(355) : Error 78: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::tree::parsing<char>' 
typedef'ed at
    line 102, file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\tree\exceptions.hxx used in 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\tree\exceptions.hxx(102) : Info 830: Location cited in
    prior message
  h.throw_if_failed< ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > > ();
hello.cxx(355) : Error 55: Bad type
hello.cxx(355) : Error 26: Expected an expression, found ')'
hello.cxx(355) : Warning 503: Boolean argument to relational
hello.cxx(355) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
    static_cast< ::xercesc::DOMDocument const& > (*d), f, p);
hello.cxx(358) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
hello.cxx(358) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
hello.cxx(359) : Info 715: Symbol 'i' (line 345) not referenced
hello.cxx(345) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
hello.cxx(367) : Error 78: Symbol 
    typedef'ed at line 54, file 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx used
    in expression
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx(54) : Info 830: Location cited in
    prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
hello.cxx(367) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(367) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  if (!d)
hello.cxx(371) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
    static_cast< ::xercesc::DOMDocument const& > (*d), f, p);
hello.cxx(377) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
hello.cxx(377) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
hello.cxx(378) : Info 715: Symbol 'h' (line 363) not referenced
hello.cxx(363) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello.cxx(378) : Info 715: Symbol 'i' (line 362) not referenced
hello.cxx(362) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
hello.cxx(386) : Error 78: Symbol 
    typedef'ed at line 54, file 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx used
    in expression
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx(54) : Info 830: Location cited in
    prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > d (
hello.cxx(386) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(386) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  if (!d)
hello.cxx(390) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
    static_cast< ::xercesc::DOMDocument const& > (*d), f, p);
hello.cxx(396) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
hello.cxx(396) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'd'
hello.cxx(397) : Info 715: Symbol 'h' (line 382) not referenced
hello.cxx(382) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
hello.cxx(397) : Info 715: Symbol 'i' (line 381) not referenced
hello.cxx(381) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > c (
hello.cxx(404) : Error 78: Symbol 
    typedef'ed at line 54, file 
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx used
    in expression
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx(54) : Info 830: Location cited in
    prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument > c (
hello.cxx(404) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(404) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (
hello.cxx(409) : Error 78: Symbol 'xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element<char>'
    typedef'ed at line 195, file C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx
    used in expression
C:\xsd\libxsd\xsd\cxx\xml\dom\elements.hxx(195) : Info 830: Location 
cited in
    prior message
  ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element< char > e (
hello.cxx(409) : Warning 522: Expected void type, assignment, increment or
hello.cxx(409) : Error 10: Expecting ';'
  if (e.name () == "hello" && e.namespace_ () == "")
hello.cxx(412) : Error 10: Expecting a structure or union
hello.cxx(412) : Error 1013: Symbol 'name' not a member of class ''
hello.cxx(412) : Error 1055: Symbol 'name' undeclared, assumed to return int
hello.cxx(412) : Info 746: call to function 'name()' not made in the 
    of a prototype
hello.cxx(412) : Info 779: String constant in comparison operator '=='
hello.cxx(412) : Error 58: Bad type
hello.cxx(412) : Error 10: Expecting a structure or union
hello.cxx(412) : Error 1013: Symbol 'namespace_' not a member of class ''
hello.cxx(412) : Error 1055: Symbol 'namespace_' undeclared, assumed to 
hello.cxx(412) : Info 746: call to function 'namespace_()' not made in the
    presence of a prototype
hello.cxx(412) : Info 779: String constant in comparison operator '=='
hello.cxx(412) : Error 58: Bad type
    ::std::auto_ptr< ::_xsd_hello_type::type > r 
(::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< ::_xsd_hello_type::type >::create (e, f, 0));
hello.cxx(414) : Error 1024: No function has same argument count as
    'xsd::cxx::tree::traits<hello_type>::create(const int, 
    int)', 4 candidates found
hello.cxx(414) : Info 1703: Function 
    xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element<<1>> &, xsd::cxx::tree::flags,
    xsd::cxx::tree::_type *)' arbitrarily selected.  Refer to Error 1024
hello.cxx(414) : Error 1024: No function has same argument count as
    'xsd::cxx::tree::traits<hello_type>::create(const int, 
    int)', 4 candidates found
hello.cxx(414) : Info 1703: Function 
    xsd::cxx::xml::dom::element<<1>> &, xsd::cxx::tree::flags,
    xsd::cxx::tree::_type *)' arbitrarily selected.  Refer to Error 1024
hello.cxx(414) : Error 1058: Initializing a non-const reference
    'std::auto_ptr<hello_type> &' with a non-lvalue
    if (f & ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags::keep_dom) c.release ();
hello.cxx(415) : Error 40: Undeclared identifier 'c'
hello.cxx(415) : Error 10: Expecting a structure or union
hello.cxx(415) : Error 1013: Symbol 'release' not a member of class ''
hello.cxx(415) : Error 1055: Symbol 'release' undeclared, assumed to 
return int
hello.cxx(415) : Info 746: call to function 'release()' not made in the
    presence of a prototype
    return r;
hello.cxx(416) : Error 1058: Initializing a non-const reference
    'std::auto_ptr<hello_type> &' with a non-lvalue
    e.name (),
hello.cxx(420) : Error 10: Expecting a structure or union
hello.cxx(420) : Error 1013: Symbol 'name' not a member of class ''
    e.namespace_ (),
hello.cxx(421) : Error 10: Expecting a structure or union
hello.cxx(421) : Error 1013: Symbol 'namespace_' not a member of class ''
hello.cxx(423) : Error 1025: No function matches invocation
    'xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element<char>::unexpected_element(const int,
    const int, const char[], const char[])', 2 candidates found, 1 
matched the
    argument count, none matched on arg. no. 1
hello.cxx(423) : Info 1703: Function 
    std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>> &,
    &, const 
    &, const 
    &)' arbitrarily selected.  Refer to Error 1025
    e.name (),
hello.cxx(420) : Error 10: Expecting a structure or union
hello.cxx(420) : Error 1013: Symbol 'name' not a member of class ''
hello.cxx(420) : Error 64: Type mismatch (arg. no. 1) 
    = int)
    e.namespace_ (),
hello.cxx(421) : Error 10: Expecting a structure or union
hello.cxx(421) : Error 1013: Symbol 'namespace_' not a member of class ''
hello.cxx(421) : Error 64: Type mismatch (arg. no. 2) 
    = int)
hello.cxx(424) : Info 715: Symbol 'd' (line 400) not referenced
hello.cxx(400) : Info 830: Location cited in prior message

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