[odb-users] Error using odb.exe with Multi-Database Support and QT

Евгений Айдаров eugescha at yandex.ru
Fri Jan 22 03:32:19 EST 2016

Hello! I'm using VS 2008
While trying to compile:
*.hxx file
  I'm trying to run it with following parametrs
odb.exe -m dynamic -d common -d mssql -d pgsql  -I 
"c:\Qt\5.4.0.vs2008\include" --profile qt .\DOL\abonent.hxx

And I've got following errors

odb abonent.hxx
1>.\DOL\abonent.hxx:19:4: error: 'QString' does not name a type
1>    QString srv_ip;
1>    ^
1>.\DOL\abonent.hxx:21:4: error: 'QString' does not name a type
1>    QString virtual_name;
1>    ^
1>.\DOL\abonent.hxx:29:4: error: 'QString' does not name a type
1>    QString classif_violit_code;

While I run them separatly everything is fine:
odb.exe -m dynamic -d mssql -d pgsql  -I "c:\Qt\5.4.0.vs2008\include" 
--profile qt .\DOL\abonent.hxx
odb.exe -I $(QTDIR)\include -d pgsql --generate-query --generate-schema 
--cxx-prologue "#include \"stdafx.h\" " --output-dir .\DOL --profile qt 

Please help me!


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