[odb-users] std::transform changes the begin iterator

Zhao Xiang xiang.zhao at gamegou.com
Mon Oct 26 23:30:46 EDT 2015

Dear ODB support,

I'm currently using odb 2.4.0, and I think I've found a bug with odb::result and std::transform.

My code is like below:

odb::result<user_player> players = db.query<user_player>(...);

std::vector<uint32_t> playerIds;
std::transform(players.begin(), players.end(), playerIds.begin(), [](const user_player& p)
	return p.key.player_id;

assert(players.size() > 0);//ok
assert(players.begin() != players.end());//oops

After some debug I noticed the value of players.begin() is changed after the std::transform call.

So I think this is a bug in odb's iterator implementation.

Zhao Xiang

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