[odb-users] #pragma view pointer() ignored on Windows

Adnan RIHAN axel50397 at gmail.com
Fri May 29 14:24:30 EDT 2015

Well... Thank you for giving me some tips...

The -odb.hxx are exactly the same, so it’s not there, BUT... I’ve configured Qt-Creator with the following include paths:
> C:\ODB\sqlite-3.0\include \
> C:\ODB\odb-2.4.0-i686-windows\mingw\include \
> C:\ODB\libodb-2.4.0\include \
> C:\ODB\libodb-sqlite-2.4.0\include  \
> C:\ODB\libodb-qt-2.4.0\include

Guess what? I thought it would be a good idea to include the « include » folder from odb-2.4.0, and it seems using the libodb unpatched files and was loading them instead of the good one.

Thank you, sorry for that lack of attention (plus, I’ve included the patches you gave me, in my homebrew packages, so I was aware!)

On 29 mai 2015 at 17:11:12, Boris Kolpackov (boris at codesynthesis.com) wrote:

Hi Adnan,  

Adnan RIHAN <axel50397 at gmail.com> writes:  

> It’s happening only on Windows, while on OSX there is no error. If  
> it was a patch problem, I would have had the same error on OSX, right?  

Yes, that's a valid point. Then it must be some setup issue on  
Windows. Try the following steps:  

1. Confirm that the -odb.hxx file contains the view_traits  
specialization for the view in question (and it typedef's  
QSharedPointer as its object_pointer).  

2. Make sure that this -odb.hxx file is actually the one that  
gets found by the compiler. For that, temporarily remove  
the file and verify that compilation now ends with a compiler  

Cordialement, Adnan RIHAN.
Directeur-Gérant de Eolis-Software, société de services informatiques.

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