[odb-users] Nested pointers in relationship

Nicholas Cremonesi nicholas.cremonesi at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 10:50:01 EDT 2015

Thanks for your reply!

My issue is that I cannot perform ALL possible views before compiling the
headers. So, is this the only way, or is there any "workaround"?

Another question: is there any way to perform a query like this?
"SELECT * FROM TBL_A T1, TBL_A T2, TBL_B T3 ecc...", that is give different
"aliases" to the same table?

Many thanks

2015-03-12 15:19 GMT+01:00 Boris Kolpackov <boris at codesynthesis.com>:

> Hi Nicholas,
> Nicholas Cremonesi <nicholas.cremonesi at gmail.com> writes:
> > odb::query<C> qry(odb::query<C>::objb->obja->valuea == "Test");
> In object queries ODB only supports one level of relationships
> for performance reasons. If you need to go further, as in the
> example above, then you will need to use a view. In 2.4.0 we
> have added Object Loading Views with the main use-case being
> exactly this. See the manual for details.
> Boris

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