[odb-users] "unable to extract profile paths"

Adnan RIHAN adnan at rihan.fr
Sun Sep 14 03:53:09 EDT 2014

Le 13 septembre 2014 à 20:40:31, Boris Kolpackov (boris at codesynthesis.com(mailto:boris at codesynthesis.com)) a écrit:

> Did you build the ODB compiler yourself or did you use the pre-built
> ODB compiler binary for Mac OS?
I’ve downloaded the pre-built, as before I update to 10.10

> 1. If you are using the pre-built ODB package, then try to run g++
> that comes with it on some test C++ file (e.g., a "Hello World"
> program):
> odb-2.3.0-i686-macosx/lib/odb/i686-apple-darwin8/bin/g++ -c hello.cpp
> And see if it works. If it fails, try again with the -v option and
> then send the complete diagnostics that you see.
It segfaults with odb's included « g++ », but not with my XCode's one:

> ➜  hello  /usr/local/lib/odb/i686-apple-darwin8/bin/g++ -c -v driver.cxx
> [1]    90424 segmentation fault  /usr/local/lib/odb/i686-apple-darwin8/bin/g++ -c -v driver.cxx

> 2. If you built your own ODB/GCC, then try to specify the g++ executable
> that ODB should use on the command line, for example:
> odb -x /path/to/g++ ...
I don’t know if it’s useful, but I tried that line specifying my Xcode’s g++ executable, and I got other errors: http://pastebin.com/KugamGAV

I’m updating Xcode to see if there is a change.
Cordialement, Adnan RIHAN.
Directeur-Gérant de Eolis-Software, société de services informatiques.  

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