[odb-users] ODB 2.1.0 - absolute include paths

cetoni GmbH - Uwe Kindler uwe.kindler at cetoni.de
Mon Oct 1 09:56:12 EDT 2012


I just noticed that ODB 2.1.0 compiler generates absoulte include paths 
in xxx-odb.h files while older ODB versions simply added the header file 
without any path.

Here an old version of my WellPlateType-odb.h file:

#include "WellPlateType.h"

And here the new version generated from ODB 2.1.0:

#include "C:/usl/env/qt/qtlabb/items/WellPlateType.h"

Is there an ODB compiler option to toggle between these two versions? 
The problem is, that we generate the files only if something changed - 
so not on every build. That means the generated files are also checked 
into out version control system. But this now only works if all 
developers do a checkout of the project into the exact same location.

So is there any switch - maybe I missed it in the ODB compiler 

Thank you and kind regards,

Uwe Kindler

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