[odb-users] Thank you + documentation bug report

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Tue Sep 27 05:47:06 EDT 2011

Hi Craig,

Craig Burton <rccraigb at gmail.com> writes:

> Thank you for a truly wonderful ORM -- I'm just getting started, but like
> very much what I've seen so far!

Thanks, I am glad you are enjoying it!

> As for the bug report, it is a documentation error in the 'examples'
> collection.  Specifically, the "INSTALL" file in odb-examples-1.5.0
> indicates that configure should be run like this:
>     ./configure --database <database>
> However, I believe it should be specified to run like this:
>     ./configure --with-database=<database>
> At least that was what worked for me.  Please let me know if I've missed
> something, or if this is a valid report.

Yes, a valid report, thank you. I have fixed this and the changes are
in scm:



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