[xsd-users] Error in compilation and question about parsing

sabitha reddy sabitha.reddi at gmail.com
Mon May 19 14:53:35 EDT 2014

Hello Dev's,

I am using XDS of CodeSynthesis to geenrate C++ classes by c++ tree
mapping. When I try to create an object of any class, I am getting
following compilation error:

error: request for member host in h, which is of non-class type
std::auto_ptr<Hosts> ()(Hosts*)

My code:

        auto_ptr<Hosts>  h(Hosts (argv[1]));
         Hosts::host_sequence& hs (h->host ());

And also, my other question is, if we create an object without sending xml
file, is there any way I can read it later into the object?,

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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