[xsd-users] FW: no input file specified error, even if input file specified

Arul.Prakash2 at rsa.com Arul.Prakash2 at rsa.com
Mon Jul 2 02:45:37 EDT 2012

From: Prakash, Arul
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 12:06 PM
To: 'xsd-users at codesynthesis.com'
Subject: no input file specified error,even if input file specified


I am new to CS.I am tring to generate C++ code from a xsd file.I am getting a bunch of errors

C:\Program Files\CodeSynthesis XSD 3.3\examples\cxx\tree\hello>xsd cxx-tree --generate-serialization commonapi-config.xsd

w3-org-docs\XMLSchema.dtd:121:9: warning: attribute 'xmlns' has already been dec

lared for element 'schema'

commonapi-config.xsd: warning T004: generating parsing and serialization functio

ns for 7 global elements

commonapi-config.xsd: info: use --root-element-* options to specify document roo


commonapi-config.xsd:81:95: warning T001: namespace '##other' allows for element


commonapi-config.xsd:81:95: warning T001: generated code may not associate eleme

nt 'Status' correctly if it appears in place of this wildcard

commonapi-config.xsd:79:36: info: element 'Status' is defined here

w3-org-docs\www-w3-org.2001.04.xenc-schema.xsd:19:40: error: unable to map XML S

chema namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#' to C++ namespace

w3-org-docs\www-w3-org.2001.04.xenc-schema.xsd:19:40: info: use the --namespace-

map or --namespace-regex option to provide custom mapping

So ignoring the warnings(I can ignore rite?).Inorder to get rid of the error I tried

C:\Program Files\CodeSynthesis XSD 3.3\examples\cxx\tree\hello>xsd cxx-tree --ge

nerate-serialization --namespace-map commonapi-config.xsd

error: no input file specified

PS.I tried the file name within the quotes also.

Any help from CS experts?



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