Archive for the ‘Development’ Category

CLI 1.0.0 released

Thursday, October 29th, 2009

The first public release of CLI is now available from the project’s web page. There are also the CLI Language Getting Started Guide and CLI Compiler Command Line Manual. I have created the cli-users mailing list, though I will still continue writing about the CLI design and development on this blog.

Check it all out and let me know what you think. One interesting implementation aspect that I would like to mention is the use of the CLI compiler to handle its own command line interface. As a result, it is always a good idea to keep an older, working build of CLI around ;-).

Looking forward, I now realize that one of the first new features in CLI should be the automatic documentation generation. In the next post we will start exploring various designs for this feature.

CLI in C++: Status Update

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

The semantic graph for the CLI language and the traversal mechanism are ready. I have also updated the parser to build the graph as the parsing progresses. If you would like to check it out, you can download the source distribution via these links:

See the first status update for more information on what to do with these files. This release adds a dependency on libcutl which is a small C++ utility library that I developed. If you are not using the cli+dep package, you will also need to get this library:

You can follow the development, including accessing a more detailed log of changes, via the git repository:

The semantic graph and the traversal mechanisms are quite interesting pieces of software. I have developed the ideas behind them over several years, starting in CCF (CORBA Compiler Frontend), and then continuing in XSD and XSD/e. The semantic graph is an in-memory data structure that captures the semantics of a particular language in a way convenient for analysis and code generation. The traversal mechanism is similar to the visitor pattern except it is inheritance-aware and more flexible (more about this below). We can use it to implement passes over the semantic graph which perform various analysis, graph transformations, or code generation.

The semantic graph is a heterogeneous directed graph. Its nodes are concepts of a particular language. For our CLI language we have: namespace, class, option, C++ type, and expression. Edges represent relationships between nodes as dictated by the language semantics. For example, in our case, a namespace names one or more namespaces or classes. A class names one or more options. An option belongs to a type and can be initialized by an expression. So we have the following edges: names, belongs, and initialized. Notice that all nodes are nouns and all edges are verbs.

Some concepts in the language have a common behavior or trait. For example, both namespace and class are a kind of scope. Namespace, class, and option all have a name (or, more accurately, are named by a scope). To capture this, we define a few base nodes, such as scope, and nameable. The following listing shows the inheritance relationship between nodes:

scope: nameable
class: scope
namespace: scope
option: nameable

Each node and edge in the graph provides a way to navigate to other nodes/edges to which it is connected. For example, having a class node, we can get all its outgoing names edges and from each such edge get to the option node. While such manual navigation can be used to, say, generate code, it is quite tedious. It is much more convenient to use the traversal mechanism.

For each node and edge type in the semantic graph there is a traverser class that implements common navigation patterns for this node or edge. For example, a namespace traverser by default iterates over and traverses all its names edges. The traversal mechanism also does automatic, inheritance-aware type matching. An example will help illustrate what this means. Suppose we are traversing a namespace node. It can name two kinds of nodes: classes and namespaces. If we don’t care which kind of node it is, we can pass the generic scope-based traverser. Because both namespace and class are a kind of scope, our scope traverser will be called for both kinds of objects.

But suppose we need to do something special for classes. In this case, we can pass a class-based traverser in addition to the scope-based one. In this case, classes will be handled by the class traverser (because it is a better match than the scope traverser) and the rest will be handled by the scope traverser. If you would like to see how this type matching works in a very simple example, take a look at the tests/compiler/traverser test in libcutl.

The implementation of the semantic graph and the traversal mechanism completes the so-called frontend part of our compiler. Now we are ready to move to the backend part which is where we generate the code. Next time we will have the long promised discussion of the pros and cons of self-sufficient generated code vs generated code that depends on a runtime library. I will also start working on the backend infrastructure, such as opening the output C++ files, writing include guards, generating #include directives, etc.

CLI in C++: Status Update

Monday, August 24th, 2009

Over the past two weekends I implemented the parser for our CLI language. If you would like to check it out, you can download the source distribution via these links:

See the previous status update for more information on what to do with these files. You can also follow the development, including accessing a more detailed log of changes, via the git repository:

At this stage the parser just checks that the stream of tokens as supplied by the lexical analyzer is a valid definition of the CLI language. If there is an error, it is reported and the parser tries to recover by skipping past the next ‘;‘. There is also the formal description of the language in the doc/language.txt file and the function names in the parser class roughly correspond to the production rules.

With the initial version of the parser complete, the next step is to build the so called semantic graph from the definitions parsed. We can then traverse this semantic graph to generate the C++ mapping. I should have the semantic graph ready by the end of next weekend. Will let you know as soon as I have something working.