Open Source License
CodeSynthesis XSD/e is available with full source code under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2. By linking with the XSD/e runtime library and/or the generated code (directly or indirectly, statically or dynamically, at compile time or runtime), your application is subject to the terms of the GPL which requires that you release the source code of your application if and when you distribute it. Distributing an application includes giving it to customers, contractors, parent companies, subsidiaries, or any legal entity other than your own.
Commercial Proprietary License
If you do not wish to be bound by the terms of the GPL, you may purchase a proprietary license from Code Synthesis. Additional benefits of our commercial proprietary license include:
- Royalty-free runtime and generated code (no runtime licenses)
- Application source code stays private
- Legal assurances, warranties and indemnification
- Commercial-grade technical support
- Full-time, dedicated development team provides ongoing maintenance, development, testing, and documentation
- Single vendor to hold accountable
Note also that our proprietary license agreement has been reviewed and approved by legal departments of many major technology companies. Contact us for pricing information or to discuss your licensing requirements.
Free Proprietary License for Small Vocabularies
In addition to the commercial proprietary license we offer a free version for handling small XML vocabularies. For more information refer to the Free Proprietary License page.