[xsde-users] Migration from XSD to XSD/e

kelvin manoj kelvinmanoj at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 07:21:02 EDT 2019


I am trying to migrate from XSD to XSD/e for the below project available in
github. This I am doing for reducing the memory usage. XSD consuming lot of
memory with xerces.

So I believe if I migrate the project to XSD/e I can save some memory.

Is it possible to migrate the XSD to XSD/e if some application already
using XSD. I don't wanted to modify the application code.

Project I am trying to migrate:

I have compiled the schema files using XSD/e but after including in the
project I am seeing lot of things are missing. Some places where I am
getting errors commonly are given below.

typedef ::icalendar_2_0::DateTimeType date_time_type;

Here there is no such inner typedef. So I am getting bellow error while
building my application
error C2039: 'date_time_type' : is not a member of 'icalendar_2_0::dtstart'

If I try to resolve the above error by replacing the date_time_type with
::icalendar_2_0::DateTimeType I am getting below issue related to that.

      template <typename C, typename B>
      inline date_time<C, B>::
      date_time (int year, unsigned short month, unsigned short day,
                 unsigned short hours, unsigned short minutes, double
                 short zone_h, short zone_m)
          : time_zone (zone_h, zone_m),
            year_ (year), month_ (month), day_ (day),
            hours_ (hours), minutes_ (minutes), seconds_ (seconds)

    inline date_time::
    date_time (int year, unsigned short month, unsigned short day,
               unsigned short hours, unsigned short minutes, double seconds,
               short zone_h, short zone_m)
        : time_zone (zone_h, zone_m),
          year_ (year), month_ (month), day_ (day),
          hours_ (hours), minutes_ (minutes), seconds_ (seconds)
Here template is missing so it throws below error
error C2664: 'icalendar_2_0::DateTimeType::DateTimeType(const
icalendar_2_0::DateTimeType &)' : cannot convert argument 1 from
'xsde::cxx::date_time' to 'const icalendar_2_0::DateTimeType &'
I am not sure If i am missing any options in the compile command. Here is
the command I used to compile:
xsde cxx-hybrid --root-element oadrPayload --file-per-type
--generate-parser --generate-serializer --generate-polymorphic
--polymorphic-type ItemBaseType --polymorphic-type EnergyItemType
--polymorphic-type PowerItemType --polymorphic-type PayloadBaseType
--polymorphic-type StreamPayloadBaseType --polymorphic-type UidType
--output-dir ../2b/ --namespace-map
http://openadr.org/oadr-2.0b/2012/07=oadr2b::oadr --namespace-map
--namespace-map http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2=oadr2b::gml --namespace-map
http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/emix/2011/06=oadr2b::emix --namespace-map
http://www.w3.org/2009/xmldsig11#=oadr2b::dsig11 --namespace-map
http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#=oadr2b::sig --namespace-map
oadr_20b.xsd oadr_atom.xsd oadr_ei_20b.xsd oadr_emix_20b.xsd
oadr_gml_20b.xsd oadr_greenbutton.xsd
oadr_ISO_ISO3AlphaCurrencyCode_20100407.xsd oadr_power_20b.xsd
oadr_pyld_20b.xsd oadr_siscale_20b.xsd oadr_strm_20b.xsd oadr_xcal_20b.xsd
oadr_xml.xsd oadr_xmldsig-properties-schema.xsd oadr_xmldsig.xsd


J.Kelvin Manoj

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