[xsd-users] serialize problems: thousands separator in gyear_month
and unsigned long
Sibinger Peter
Peter.Sibinger at cpg.de
Wed Feb 25 10:08:40 EST 2015
Hi All,
Today I had problems to serialize integer and long variables correctly.
E.g. in date-time.txx the values x.year=2014 and x.month=12 resulted in a stream "2.014-12".
The only solution I found was to add the classic "C" locale to get no thousands separator.
You'll find the added line below.
// gyear_month
namespace bits
template <typename C, typename B>
insert (std::basic_ostream<C>& os, const tree::gyear_month<C, B>& x)
if (x.month () < 13)
os.imbue (std::locale::classic ()); // without that you'll get thousands separator
os.fill (C ('0'));
os.width (4);
os << x.year () << C ('-');
os.width (2);
os << x.month ();
if (x.zone_present ())
zone_insert (os, x);
Unfortunately I run into the same problem for all integer and long variables in *.hxx, *.txx in tree/serialization.
For double, decimal and float variables the classic "C" locale is part of the header (e.g. in tree/serialization/decimal.hxx) for integer and long variables not.
I'm not sure whether there's another solution for that.
With kind regards
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