[xsd-users] Get access to XML data in C++

JinhuaColin Huang huan0500 at umn.edu
Thu Nov 7 10:49:55 EST 2013

Hi all,

I have got my SwapDeal C++ class generated. But how can i next get access
to the data in SwapDeal, like the TradeDate, YieldCurve etc.

CodeSynthesis gives us an example:

auto_ptr<Contact> c = contact ("c.xml");
cout << c->name () << ", "
     << c->email () << ", "
     << c->phone () << endl;

But i cannot find any constructor in my C++ class that takes in an xml
file as input parameter.


Colin Huang
Master of Financial Mathematics
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Phone: 612-300-1585
Email:  huan0500 at umn.edu <huan0500 at umn.edu>
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jinhua-colin-huang/2b/a4b/460<http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jinhua-colin-huang/2b/a4b/460>
Blog: http://jinhuahuang.blogspot.com/

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