[xsd-users] [cxx-tree] CityGML and ADEs

Olivier Tournaire olitour at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 07:19:43 EDT 2013

Hi all,

I was recently playing with CityGML schemas and managed to have something
working with xsd cxx-tree. Now, I would like to extend files parsing with
schemas from ADEs. To give it a first try, I used the NoiseADE schema
distributed with "core" schemas.

Following Boris tips, I managed to compile and like without import/export
problems a "noiseade" library (leaf) and a "citygml" library (root).
"noiseade" depends on "citygml". However, when trying to parse a sample
noiseade file, I am unable to access the specific objects defined in this
ADE. Here is a code sample:

int main(int argc, char** argv)
        auto_ptr<CityModelType> iCity = auto_ptr<CityModelType>(
CityModel(DROPBOX_SAMPLES_PATH + "/NoiseADE/cityfurniture_example.xml",
xsd::cxx::tree::flags::dont_validate) );

AbstractFeatureCollectionType::featureMember_sequence::const_iterator it =
iCity->featureMember().begin(), ite = iCity->featureMember().end();
            // Note the use of references!!!
            const FeaturePropertyType& f = (*it);
            const AbstractFeatureType& af = f._Feature().get();

            if (const frn::CityFurnitureType* r = dynamic_cast<const
frn::CityFurnitureType*> (&af))
                cout << "Got a frn::CityFurnitureType!" << endl;
                cout << "frn::CityFurnitureType contains " <<
r->_GenericApplicationPropertyOfCityFurniture().size() << " features" <<

it2  = r->_GenericApplicationPropertyOfCityFurniture().begin();

ite2 = r->_GenericApplicationPropertyOfCityFurniture().end();
                    //cout << "\t* " << it->_name() << " in " <<
it->_namespace() << endl;
                    if (const
noise_de::NoiseCityFurnitureSegmentPropertyType* r2 = dynamic_cast<const
noise_de::NoiseCityFurnitureSegmentPropertyType*> (&(*it2)))
                        cout << "\t --> Got a
NoiseCityFurnitureSegmentPropertyType!" << endl;
                        cout << "\t --> NOT a
NoiseCityFurnitureSegmentPropertyType!" << endl;
    catch (const xml_schema::exception& e)
        cerr << "Exception caught: " << e.what() << " --> " << e << endl;

    return 0;

>From this code, I am able to retrieve a "frn::CityFurnitureType" object,
but cannot iterate over its children to get the

I made another try: compile and link all citygml AND noiseade in the same
DLL. In this case, I can iterate over
to get all underlying objects of the frn::CityFurnitureType object.
However, I would like to keep ADEs separated from the core citygml DLL. Do
you have any idea on how I can achieve this?

Best regards,


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