[xsd-users] Mac OS X need to link against static Boost / xerces_c

Chris Green greenc at fnal.gov
Thu Dec 5 01:18:39 EST 2013


We've been building on linux for a while now linked against static Boost 
and xerces_c libraries by starting with the rollup source (e.g. 
xsd-3.3.0-2+dep.tar.bz2) and applying patches of the form:

--- libxsd-frontend/build/import/libxsd-frontend/stub.make	2010-04-27 14:31:24.000000000 -0500
+++ libxsd-frontend/build/import/libxsd-frontend/stub.make	2013-04-24 13:25:00.164019000 -0500
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
  ifeq ($(libxsd_frontend_installed),y)
-$(call export,l: -lxsd-frontend -lfrontend-elements -lcult -lboost_filesystem -lxerces-c,cpp_options: )
+$(call export,l: -lxsd-frontend -lfrontend-elements -lcult $(BOOST_LIB)/libboost_filesystem.a $(XERCESCROOT)/lib/libxerces-c.a /lib64/libpthread.so.0,cpp_options: )

This works just fine on linux (RHEL5 and 6 derivatives). However, an 
attempt to do something analogous (without the pthread, of course) for a 
build on Mountain Lion produces link errors of the form:

make VERBOSE=1 install_prefix=/Users/greenc/work/cet-is/test-products/cstxsd/v3_3_0_p02a/Darwin64bit+12-gcc48 CXXFLAGS="-O3 -gdwarf-2 -I${BOOST_FQ_DIR}/include -I${XERCESCROOT}/includde" CPPFLAGS="-I${BOOST_FQ_DIR}/include -I${XERCESCROOT}/include" install
ld /Users/greenc/work/cet-is/test-products/cstxsd/v3_3_0_p02a/Darwin64bit+12-gcc48/xsd-3.3.0-2+dep/xsd/xsd/xsd
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
   "_CFRelease", referenced from:
       xercesc_3_1::MacOSUnicodeConverter::upperCase(unsigned short*) in libxerces-c.a(MacOSUnicodeConverter.o)
       xercesc_3_1::MacOSUnicodeConverter::lowerCase(unsigned short*) in libxerces-c.a(MacOSUnicodeConverter.o)

I'm by no means an expert compiling on OS X, although it seems that the 
static xerces_c library introduces a need to link against (at least) the 
CoreFoundations framework. Unfortunately I have been unable to decipher 
the make / build-3.0 abstractions to the point where I can get something 
to work. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I should note that we need to do this because all of our own code is 
built for C++2011 (-std=c++11), and therefore C++2011-compiled versions 
of Boost and xerces_c are what are available in LD_LIBRARY_PATH at the 
time we are invoking xsd -- either xsd has to be compiled statically 
against these libraries or it must be compiled C++2011. We have been 
unable to do the latter thus far, so we've been relying on the former 
solution. With our new need to have this working under Mac OS X however, 
our old solution has not translated in the trivial way we would have liked.

I'm at the limits of my competency in this area, I'm afraid, so pointers 
gratefully received.


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