[xsd-users] Serializing and loading a file throws on windows

Wesley Peters Wesley.Peters at tachyon.com
Fri Apr 26 14:38:24 EDT 2013

It seems that it can't open the specified file for reading.  Have you verified the path is correct?
Can you write a stand-alone C++ program that is able to open the file for reading at the given path?
Try cutting and pasting the full filename into a file explorer window.

The forward-slash path name seems suspicious to me, but I'm never sure where Windows will accept those and where it won't.

On 4/26/13 3:54 AM, "Olivier Tournaire" <olitour at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Does anyone have an explanation and a workaround for the aforementioned

Hope you could help.

Best regards,


2013/3/26 Olivier Tournaire <olitour at gmail.com>

> Hi Boris,
> 2013/3/25 Boris Kolpackov <boris at codesynthesis.com>
>> Hi Olivier,
>> Olivier Tournaire <olitour at gmail.com> writes:
>> >     catch (const xml_schema::exception& e)
>> >     {
>> >         cerr << "Exception caught: " << e.what() << " --> " << e <<
>> endl;
>> >         return 1;
>> >     }
>> > }
>> >
>> > As commented, when reading the saved model, an error is thrown, only on
>> > windows. Do you have any explanation on why and how to solve this issue?
>> It would be helpful to know what the exception says.
>> Boris
> Sorry, I forgive to mention the exception message in my first post. Here
> it is:
> Exception caught: instance document parsing failed --> :0:0 error: unable
> to open primary document entity
> 'F:/work/dev/citygml2-0-0/CityGML_2.0.0/Examples/Building_LOD0-4/Building_and_garage_LOD2-EPSG25832_copy_testing.gml'
> Regards,
> Olivier


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