[xsd-users] Multiple schemas with the same namespace, compiled into a library

Tony McConnell amnw14545 at googlemail.com
Mon Apr 8 05:42:18 EDT 2013


Firstly, I have no control at all over the schemas I'm given...

I've attached some example code and schemas to show what the behaviour is.

I'm using xsd 3.3.0, on Ubuntu 10.04.4, linked with xerces-c 3.1.0.

Compiled with gcc 4.4.3.

The attached tar archive builds a library that contains two schemas that
both have the same namespace.

t2.xsd contains extra definitions that are not in t1.xsd, but is capable of
validating everything that t1.xsd can.

In principle, I could receive a lot of extended schemas t3.xsd, t4.xsd,
etc, that are all extensions of t1.xsd but not of each other.

Basically, I parse the schemas in the order, t1.xsd, t2.xsd, etc, to find
out which one I'm using.

However, I get a strange message: type '' is not derived from ''

If my object files are linked into the library in order t1.o, t2.o, I get
the error when parsing t2.xml

If my object files are linked into the library in order t2.o t1.o, I get
the error when parsing t1.xml

Please could someone tell me what type '' is not derived from '' means?

Thank you.

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