[xsd-users] Namespace name constant

Klaim - Joël Lamotte mjklaim at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 09:17:10 EDT 2011


I can see in my xsd genereted code (
related files )
that the namespace name is always written directly as "
artofsequence.org/aosl/1.0" and not a constant.

I was looking for such a constant to use it in my tool code, in particular
in this case where I need validation (from
 ) :

        Sequence::Sequence( Project& project, const boost::filesystem::path
sequence_file_path )
                : m_project( project )
                , m_location( sequence_file_path )
                xml_schema::Properties properties;
                properties.schema_location( "artofsequence.org/aosl/1.0",
path::AOSL_XSD_FILE.string() ); // HERE

                boost::filesystem::ifstream filestream( full_location() );
                        auto sequence = aosl::parse_sequence( filestream, 0,
properties );
                        m_sequence.reset( sequence.release() );
                catch( const ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char >& e )



        bool Sequence::save()

                xml_schema::NamespaceInfomap namespace_infos;
                namespace_infos["aos"].name = "artofsequence.org/aosl/1.0";

                boost::filesystem::ofstream filestream( sequence_file_path
                aosl::serialize_sequence( filestream, *m_sequence,
namespace_infos );

                return true;

My questions :

 1. Did I miss the existence of such a constant?
 2. Is there a way to make the generator provide it?

I want the tool to be dependant on the version of the library which code
have been generated from the xsd, so I need them to use the same namespace.
So the name of the namespace should be available in the generated code.
I want to avoid having to change a constant in the tool code each time I
change the namespace in the xsd and generate code from it.
I'll certainly miss that change as several years might separate each

Joël Lamotte

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