[xsd-users] Compilation Error of Generated Files (FpML)

Cuneyt.Karadag at akbank.com Cuneyt.Karadag at akbank.com
Wed Apr 13 09:48:16 EDT 2011

Hi Boris,

I have succeeded to compile my FpML library.

First, I have extracted the xsd package with GNU tar and I have tried to run the example "hello" by creating the my makefile and it worked.

Then, I have created the FpML .cc and .h files with the command "xsd" by running under the directory "bin". 

Finally I have created the makefile for the FpML library and compiled it successfully.

Thanks so much for your helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Boris Kolpackov [mailto:boris at codesynthesis.com] 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 6:49 PM
To: Cüneyt Karadağ (BT Uygulama Geliştirme Bölümü)
Cc: xsd-users at codesynthesis.com; Şenel Hiçyılmaz (BT Uygulama Geliştirme Bölümü)
Subject: Re: [xsd-users] Compilation Error of Generated Files (FpML)

Hi Cuneyt,

Cuneyt.Karadag at akbank.com <Cuneyt.Karadag at akbank.com> writes:

> /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -D_RWCONFIG=12d -features=no%localfor
> -features=no%conststrings -library=no%rwtools7 -erroff=nonewline
> -I. -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include
> -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/suthreads
> -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/sutools
> -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/ie
> -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/CORE_AND_PATCHES_V5_3_1/include
> -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/CORE_AND_PATCHES_V5_3_1/include/suthreads
> -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/CORE_AND_PATCHES_V5_3_1/include/sutools
> -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/CORE_AND_PATCHES_V5_3_1/ie
> -I/opt/SUNWspro/include/CC
> -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/sumbo_V5_3_1/include/xml
> -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summit/CORE_AND_PATCHES_V5_3_1/include/xml
> -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summittools/xercesc-2_8_0-icu3.8.1-Sol10-Studio11/include
> -I/export/home/misys/SUMMIT_V531/summittools/xercesc-2_8_0-icu3.8.1-Sol10-Studio11/include/xercesc
> -DRW_NO_OVERLOAD_SCHAR -DSUMMITBASE=\"V51\" -c -KPIC fpml-main-4-7.cc
> ".../xsd/cxx/xml/dom/auto-ptr.hxx", line 4: Error: "," expected instead 
> of "namespace".

These errors are strange. If you look at xsd/cxx/xml/dom/auto-ptr.hxx, line
4, there is mentioning of namespace on that line. 

Here are some of the thing that I suggest that you try:

1. First make sure you really are using Sun CC 12 by running this command:
   /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -V

2. Unpack the xsd package with gtar (GNU tar) instead of Sun tar to make
   sure nothing is corrupted.

3. Try to build an example (e.g., 'hello') in the XSD distribution:

   gmake CXX=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC

4. If the example builds fine, then you may want to try to remove
   some of the options from the above command line while compiling
   fpml-main-4-7.cc. In particular the -features ones.


Bu e-posta ve muhtemel eklerinde verilen bilgiler kişiye özel ve gizli olup, yalnızca mesajda belirlenen alıcı ile ilgilidir.Size yanlışlıkla ulaşmışsa lütfen göndericiye bilgi veriniz, mesajı siliniz ve içeriğini başka bir kişiye açıklamayınız, herhangi bir ortama kopyalamayınız. Bu mesaj aksi sözleşme ile belirtilmedikçe herhangi bir finansal işlem teklifi, alımı, satımı veya herhangi bir havalenin teyidi gibi bankacılık işlemi yapılması amacını taşımamaktadır.Verilen tüm bilgilerin doğruluğu ve bütünlüğünün garantisi verilmemekte olup, önceden bildirilmeksizin değiştirilebilecektir.Bu mesajın içeriği Bankamızın resmi görüşlerini yansıtmayabileceğinden Akbank T.A.Ş. hiçbir hukuki sorumluluğu kabul etmez.

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