[xsd-users] External entity declaration in instance documents

Florian Schmidt fschmidt at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Tue Sep 21 09:13:03 EDT 2010

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Florian Schmidt wrote:
> Boris Kolpackov wrote:
>> Hi Florian,
>> Florian Schmidt <fschmidt at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de> writes:
>>>> And indeed i found a spot in one of the used libs that sets up
>>>> xerces-c++ to use cached grammars. Let's see if i find a way to make it
>>>> not do this..
>>> Hmm, this is all very weird. It seems to me that if the XSD functions
>>> set up the parsing not to use caching, then another lib using Xerces-C
>>> _with_ caching shouldn't interfere, as there shouldn't be shared global
>>> state (every xerces user calls Initialize() and creates their own parser).
>> Yes, I also thought this is very strange. The caching is a per-parser
>> parameter and the library and XSD do not share parsers. Could it be
>> that it is the library that is printing the error message and not 
>> the XSD error handler?
> I think i found the culprit.. Linking against libxqilla and creating an
> instance of XQilla (from the QXilla simple API) triggers the parsing
> failure on my system.. When i find time i might browse through some
> XQilla code to see what the constructor of the XQilla class does..

I'm at a loss here about how i could workaround that. I attached the
test case you sent me a while ago modified to expose the problem. The
only alteration is to link against libxqilla and creating an instance of
XQilla in the main() function of the driver.cxx

- --
Dipl.-Inform. Florian Paul Schmidt
University of Bielefeld, Neuroinformatics Group, CITEC
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