[xsd-users] Problem in translating schema to C++ (following parser
pmonteirorocha at sapo.pt
Wed Jun 30 10:14:41 EDT 2010
My name is Pedro Rocha. Im working on a university project that could
use xml as main data format, since it is already being used in some of
its smaller parts.
I have been trying to follow the tutorial (C++ /Parser Mapping Guide),
but i have a problem translating Hello.xsd to C++ parser skeletons. I'm
not using the tree mapping because i need support for large xml files.
I'm trying to learn how to work with this data binding compiler because
i've seen good reviews about it and seems simple to use.
In point 2.2 of the guide, the command "$ xsd cxx-parser --xml-parser
expat hello.xsd" gives me the error "unknown option --xml-parser". Im
using Ubuntu Linux 10.04 and gnu c++
When i type "xsd" on the console, this is the result:
xsd.exe - a utility for generating schema or class files
xsd.exe <schema>.xsd /classes [/element:NAME] [/language:NAME]
[/namespace:NAME] [/outputdir:PATH] [/uri:NAME]
xsd.exe <schema>.xsd /dataset [/element:NAME] [/language:NAME]
[/namespace:NAME] [/outputdir:PATH] [/uri:NAME]
xsd.exe <assembly>.dll|<assembly>.exe [/outputdir:PATH] [/type:NAME]
xsd.exe <instance>.xml [<instance>.xml ...] [/outputdir:PATH]
/c /classes Generate classes for the specified schema.
/d /dataset Generate typed dataset classes for the specified
/e /element:NAME Element from schema to generate code for.
Multiple elements can be specified.
/u /uri:NAME Namespace uri of the elements to generate code for.
/l /language:NAME The language, or type name of custom CodeDomProvider
to use for the generated code.
Shorthand specifiers are: "CS" (C#) and "VB"
For type name, assembly qualified name is required.
/g /generator:TYPE Code Generator type name, followed by ','
and assembly file name.
/o /outputdir:PATH The directory where to generate the code or schemas.
/n /namespace:NAME Namespace for the generated code.
/t /type:NAME Type for which to generate an xml schema.
Multiple types can be specified.
/h /help Output this help.
However, typing "xsdcxx man" shows some possible options like the ones
presented on the example in your guide (cxx-parser, --xml-parser <expat
or xerces>) but when I enter the command "xsdcxx cxx-parser --xml-parser
expat hello.xsd" it returns "terminate called after throwing an instance
of 'std::length_error' what(): basic_string::resize".
I have reinstalled xsdcxx, I have updated everything, reinstalled
xsd-3.3.0 from your website but I'm stuck at this point. Without the
files hello-pskel.hxx/cxx I don't see what I can do.
I'm open to suggestions.
Thank you for your attention and help.
Pedro Rocha.
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