[xsd-users] comparison question

Rizzuto, Raymond Raymond.Rizzuto at sig.com
Thu Jun 26 16:56:07 EDT 2008


I have an object/element containing a polymorphic type.  I enabled comparison code generation, but it looks like it gives up on deciding how to compare the contained polymorphic types.  Here is the generated code for the polymorphic type's base:

    operator== (const MessageType&, const MessageType&)
      return true;

    operator!= (const MessageType& x, const MessageType& y)
      return !(x == y);

I was hoping to use this to serialize then deserialize to compare the round trip on some XML I am creating, but this comparison always succeeds.  I would think the comparison for equal might be done by using rtti to check if x and y are of the same type and equal.  I.e.

    operator== (const MessageType& x, const MessageType& y)
      if (typeid(x) != typeid(y))
            return false;
      return x.operator==(y);

operator== would have to e a virtual member function - I'm not sure if that is allowed or not.

In the case I was trying, I believe the compare would fail.  The derived class, NewRequest, has an element called changed that is a NMTOKENS.  I do this to fill it:

    changes.push_back("state of the union");

This should be invalid in that space isn't allowed in a NMTOKEN, but it is accepted.  In the original object, the NMTOKENS list is of size 1, but when it is parsed back in, it is of size 4.


Ray Rizzuto
raymond.rizzuto at sig.com
Susquehanna International Group
(610)747-2336 (W)
(215)776-3780 (C)

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