[xsd-users] xercer compilin error (Wrapper4InputSource)

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Wed Jun 25 04:16:33 EDT 2008

Hi Gabriele

gabriele.zanetti at ing.unibs.it <gabriele.zanetti at ing.unibs.it> writes:

> I'm trying to use xsd 3.0.0 and xerces 2.8.0 to create some cxx and hxx 
> file from a XML schema that I'll use in a bigger project. I'm using win2000.
> There's some problem compiling the code (with Eclipse): I've a lot of 
> "undefined reference" where there's a "::xercesc::Wrapper4InputSource" 
> calling. In other point of the code, there are lines like 
> "::xercesc::DOMDocument" that run without any problem.
> I'm using the binary code of both the package including in my project the 
> libraries of xerces and the xsd's header file needed.
> then, I tryed to follow the instruction in 
> http://www.codesynthesis.com/projects/xsd/extras/build-windows.xhtml
> but I can't go beyond the "Libcult" point (using all the libcult version I 
> founded: 1.2.0 , 1.3.0, 1.4.0)

These instructions are for building the XSD compiler from source code.
If you have already downloaded the precompiled binary for Windows then
you don't need these.

I understand that you are trying to link the generated code and get
undefined symbols pointing to Xerces-C++. I think you are either not
linking to the Xerces-C++ library (check your project settings in
Eclipse) or you are using the Xerces-C++ library that was built with
a different compiler. Precompiled Xerces-C++ libraries available from
the Xerces-C++ website were built with VC++ 7.1 and 8.0. If you are
using g++ (Mingw or Cygwin) then you will need to build Xerces-C++
from source. You can following these instructions:



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