[xsd-users] How to get xsi:type informations

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Fri Jun 20 09:19:32 EDT 2008

Hi Christian,

Christian Heine <Hellhound_01 at web.de> writes:

> I've trouble to get the xsi:type informations from an xsd object. In 
> my schema I've an abstract element which has to bee declared explicit 
> by using the xsi:type attribute to make sure that only objects of the 
> abstract type are returned.
> i.e.:
>    <unit name="camera" xsi:type="br:UnitBypass"/>
>    <unit name="blur" xsi:type="br:UnitInOut">
> So far so good and it works fine. But now i've to reinterprete the 
> type for concrete object initialization. How i get the xsi:tpye 
> information from the XSD unit object?

You normally don't need to do anything with the xsi:type attribute
when using the C++/Tree mapping (I assume you are using C++/Tree).
Everything is handled by the generated code and actual dynamic types
are instantiated. You can then discover the the actual object type
using, for example, dynamic_cast. For more information see Section 2.11,
"Mapping for xsi:type and Substitution Groups" in the C++/Tree Mapping
User Manual:


You may also find the 'polymorphism' example in examples/cxx/tree/

(If you still need to get the raw xsi:type attribute value for some
 reason then let me know and I will provide with some pointers.)


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