[xsd-users] handling auto_ptr?

Azadeh Omrani a.omrani at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 06:16:13 EST 2008


I have the auto_ptr pointer pointing to the memory which has been filled by
parsing an xml document. This is done in a method of a class.

class A
    auto_ptr<b::B> p;
   void parseData(string); //fills the memory pointed by p using xsd.

   void?? getParsedData(auto_ptr<b::B>??);


void main()
A * a =new A();

//How can I have  the parsed data here without nullifying the private
parameter p? (coz I will need p locally later)

//auto_ptr<b::B> ap;
//a->getParsedData(ap); ?? This way (ap=p;) the member p will be destroyed


Actually I want to know how to make a whole copy of the memory pointed by an
auto_ptr without loosing the source and without double parsing.

Thank you

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