[xsd-users] Schema Validation

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Fri Oct 26 17:01:30 EDT 2007

Hi Shiva,

Balasubramanyam, Shivakumar <sbalasub at qualcomm.com> writes:

> Let's say, I have the schemas in
> /opt/schemas/namespace1/namespace2/schemafile1.xsd
> /opt/schemas/namespace1/namespace2/schemafile2.xsd
> And the XML document contains
> http://someurl/namespace1/namespace2/schemafile1.xsd
> How do I pass this information to xsd/tree parser?

Let's say schemafile1.xsd is in the http://www.example.com/namespace1
namespace and schemafile2.xsd is in http://www.example.com/namespace2.
Then you can do the following:

xml_schema::properties props;

props.schema_location (

props.schema_location (

root ("file.xml", 0, props);

Here 'root' is the parser function for the document root. Note
that the above schema location properties override the schema
location information specified in the XML documents.


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