[xsd-users] Fwd: problem while compiling the class generated by codesynthesis XSD2.2.3

pratik verma smartpratik at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 07:33:27 EDT 2007


First of all thanks alot for your precious suggestion.
I have done some manuplation and now they are not giving any error. I have
created a dci.cxx(just to extract to top most element didl and item)  to
compile them and to extract elements just analogus to driver.cxx in
Hello.xsd example. But the fact is that  i m giving schema
dmp2did-2006-02l.xsd and 2vedioclips.xml  file to extract the element but I
am not able to ectract it. So please suggest me how should I create
driver.cxx for my project which could extract elements from 2videoclips.xml.
I have attached both the dci.cxx and 2 vedioclips .xml in it. Eagerly
waiting for your reply

Yours Truly
Pratik Verma

On 6/27/07, pratik verma < smartpratik at gmail.com> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Boris Kolpackov < boris at codesynthesis.com>
> Date: Jun 26, 2007 9:11 PM
> Subject: Re: problem while compiling the class generated by codesynthesis
> XSD2.2.3
> To: pratik verma < smartpratik at gmail.com>
> Cc: xsd-users at codesynthesis.com
> Hi Pratik,
> [I've CC'ed xsd-users to my reply in case someone else is/will be
> wrestling
> with these schemas ( http://www.dmpf.org/schemas/index.html).<http://www.dmpf.org/schemas/index.html%29.>
> ]
> I've tried to compile these schemas with just-released 3.0.0.b2.
> Compiling the code generated with this version also results in an
> error. The problem is in the cyclic importing of the schemas. For
> example, dmp2rdm-2006-02.xsd imports dmp2ipmpinfo.xsd and
> dmp2ipmpinfo.xsd imports dmp2rdm-2006-02.xsd. XSD can generate
> compilable code for such a situation but only if there is no
> inheritance between types in the separate files. Unfortunately,
> there is such inheritance in your case. The only way to work
> around this problem is to break the cyclic dependency by factoring
> out a subset of one of the files into a separate schema and including
> that "base" into the other file. In other word, right now you have:
> "a.xsd" <==> "b.xsd"
> After the refactoring you will have:
>    "a-base.xsd"
>     ^        ^
>     |        |
>     |        |
> "a.xsd" --> " b.xsd "
> The idea is to move to "a-base.xsd" declarations which a necessary
> for "b.xsd".
> In the future we are planning to add an option to XSD to "merge"
> such cyclic schemas into a single "blob" and generate the code
> into a single file.
> hth,
> -boris
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Url : http://codesynthesis.com/pipermail/xsd-users/attachments/20070702/2c1f38ad/2videoclips.bin
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