[xsd-users] Schema server

Loyen, Hans H (NSC) Hans.Loyen at ns.nl
Tue Feb 13 04:35:13 EST 2007


I thought that we needed a special server for this. But I now understand
that it is enough to have the xsd's available as text document on the
apache server!?. We will try this.

Thanks a lot

Hans Loyen

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Boris Kolpackov [mailto:boris at codesynthesis.com] 
Verzonden: dinsdag 13 februari 2007 9:55
Aan: Loyen, Hans H (NSC)
CC: xsd-users at codesynthesis.com
Onderwerp: Re: [xsd-users] Schema server

Hi Hans,

I've CC'ed xsd-users so that others can benefit from this information.
Please keep xsd-users in the CC list in your future replies.

Loyen, Hans H (NSC) <Hans.Loyen at ns.nl> writes:

> We have created a number of nested xsd-files which are used on a 
> interfaces between some systems. In the xsd-files there is a reference

> to the schemaLocation. Until now we saved the xsd's on the local 
> filesystem. All our systems have to do so. It must be possible to get 
> them from a schema server like "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema". 
> Maybe I am not using the right terms here, but I hope that you do 
> understand me now.

Any http server would do (e.g., apache). Note, however, that if you are
parsing a lot of XML documents and every time the parser has to fetch
the schema over the network, then you can end up with a pretty poor
performance. One way to address this would be to cache the schema.

> Top of one of the xsd-files
>   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
> - <xs:schema
> targetNamespace="http://schemaserver/schemas/1.0/ik_tds_dmt"
> xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
> xmlns:ik_tds_dmt="http://schemaserver/schemas/1.0/ik_tds_dmt"
> xmlns:ik_vprod="http://schemaserver/schemas/1.0/ik_vprod"
> xmlns:ik_dmt="http://schemaserver/schemas/1.0/ik_dmt"
> attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified"
> version="1.0">
> - <xs:annotation>
>   <xs:documentation>CVS Id: $Id: TDS_DOMAIN_TYPES.xsd,v 1.13 
> 2007/02/12
> 15:45:57 hans Exp $ Hier worden de domeinen beschreven, die binnen de 
> TicketDistributionService worden gehanteerd.</xs:documentation>
>   </xs:annotation>
>   <xs:import namespace="http://schemaserver/schemas/1.0/ik_dmt"
> schemaLocation="INET_DOMAIN_TYPES.xsd" />
>   <xs:import

I think you are confusing namespace and schemaLocation attributes above.
Normally you would place all your schemas on a web server somewhere, say
"http://schemaserver/". Then in an instance document you will add the
xsi:schemaLocation attribute like this:


Here is "http://www.company.com/foo" is a vocabulary namespace and
"http://schemaserver/foo.xsd" is the schema location. Note that in
xs:import declarations you would normally use relative paths which will
be automatically prefixed with the URI prefix (e.g.,


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