[studxml-users] Hash mismatch wehn building from cppget.org

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Wed Nov 20 07:46:34 EST 2024

Hollenbach, Lars <lars.hollenbach at secunet.com> writes:

> error: checksum mismatch for libstudxml 1.1.0-b.10+2
>  info: pkg:cppget.org/beta has 2f2cdab781da70ba6c214f73937145a86f53a24f55d276cdd2563b6d889fc2e4
>  info: fetched archive has dda2021e32e2a73b8b8f7f01aa5681f1dc388482da9482d6e6c2f73be5a57af7
> The problem persists, even after running "bpkg fetch".
> I would assume this is an issue with the current package on cppget, correct?

Hm, I just tried to build it and things seem to work fine:

$ bpkg create -d cfg cc
$ cd cfg
$ bpkg build libstudxml at https://pkg.cppget.org/1/beta

I've also checked the checksum and it matches what your diagnostics
says is on cppget.org:

$ sha256sum libstudxml-1.1.0-b.10+2.tar.gz
2f2cdab781da70ba6c214f73937145a86f53a24f55d276cdd2563b6d889fc2e4  libstudxml-1.1.0-b.10+2.tar.gz

I am not sure what's going on. Can you try to download the archive
directly and see what checksum you get:


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