[odb-users] Postgres Bulk Operations on Windows?

Raphael Palefsky-Smith me at raphieps.com
Fri Jun 21 16:50:10 EDT 2024

Hi! I've been interested in trying the Postgres bulk operations feature in
the 2.5.0 beta, and have gotten the beta version building smoothly. There's
one snag - getting linker errors for the actual update/delete/insert code:

unresolved external symbol "public: unsigned __int64 __cdecl
odb::pgsql::update_statement::execute(unsigned __int64,struct
odb::multiple_exceptions &)"

After digging into the source, I'm seeing several instances of this check,
which implies the libpq pipelining (and therefore pgsql bulk) is
unsupported on Windows:

#if defined(LIBPQ_HAS_PIPELINING) && !defined(_WIN32)

Is this something that might be supported later, or is there something in
the Windows networking stack that makes this impossible? Thanks either way!

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