[odb-users] MSVC19 Linker error when deriving from an ORM object in another DLL

CETONI GmbH - Uwe Kindler uwe.kindler at cetoni.de
Wed Jul 17 02:21:42 EDT 2024

> CETONI GmbH - Uwe Kindler <uwe.kindler at cetoni.de> writes:
>> What is the right way to properly export the data generated by ORM compiler.
> Have you tried the --export-symbol ODB compiler option?
> https://www.codesynthesis.com/products/odb/doc/odb.xhtml
> For some examples, see also:
> https://www.codesynthesis.com/products/odb/doc/manual.xhtml#16.2.2

Thank you Boris - this works perfecly fine and was the right solution. 
I've been using MinGW until today, so this hasn't been a problem so far 
- that's why I missed this documentation part completely.

Sorry, I have to RTFM :o)

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