[odb-users] odb 2.5.0 b25 installation on windows

Marc Michalewicz mmichalewicz6 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 07:48:24 EDT 2023


I am following the build2-instructions for 2.5.0; until the install-step
everything works seamlessly but coming to this, I get several errormessages
of which I pasted below the start.

Apart from that it seams that the windows-install documentation was copied
from the linux-installation doc, because there is no "where" command in
windows - probably this is the same reason why the install fails at this
point here  - ?

Can somebody tell what is going wrong and what needs to be done to install
odb on windows correctly ?



C:\odb-build\odb-mingw>bpkg install odb
ld odb-2.5.0-b.25\odb\exe{odb}
error: unknown installation directory name 'root'
  info: did you forget to specify config.install.root?
  info: specify !config.install.root=... if installing from multiple
  info: while installing odb-2.5.0-b.25\doc\css{default}
  info: while installing odb-2.5.0-b.25\dir{doc\}
  info: while installing dir{odb-2.5.0-b.25\}
error: unknown installation directory name 'root'
  info: did you forget to specify config.install.root?
  info: specify !config.install.root=... if installing from multiple
  info: while installing odb-2.5.0-b.25\doc\xhtml{manual}
  info: while installing odb-2.5.0-b.25\dir{doc\}
  info: while installing dir{odb-2.5.0-b.25\}
error: unknown installation directory name 'root'
  info: did you forget to specify config.install.root?
  info: specify !config.install.root=... if installing from multiple
  info: while installing odb-2.5.0-b.25\doc\doc{odb-arch.png}
  info: while installing odb-2.5.0-b.25\dir{doc\}
  info: while installing dir{odb-2.5.0-b.25\}
error: unknown installation directory name 'root'
  info: did you forget to specify config.install.root?
  info: specify !config.install.root=... if installing from multiple
  info: while installing odb-2.5.0-b.25\doc\doc{odb-flow.png}
  info: while installing odb-2.5.0-b.25\dir{doc\}
  info: while installing dir{odb-2.5.0-b.25\}
error: unknown installation directory name 'root'
  info: did you forget to specify config.install.root?

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