[odb-users] compiling odb library

Phillip Shelton phillip.shelton at cardno.com.au
Tue Mar 15 05:51:32 EDT 2022

I now have a odb compiler installed.

>C:\compilers\odb_build\obd-mingw>odb --version
>ODB object-relational mapping (ORM) compiler for C++ 2.5.0-b.21
>Copyright (c) 2009-2021 Code Synthesis Tools CC.
>This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

However I was not able to build either build2 or the odb compiler with the mingw from winlib.com.
>C:\compilers\odb_build\obd-mingw>c:\compilers\mingw64\bin\g++ --version
>g++ (MinGW-W64 x86_64-ucrt-posix-seh, built by Brecht Sanders) 11.2.0

Now to compile the libodb, libodb-sqlite and libsqlite3.  I am really hopping I can compile with the the compiler from winlib.com.

Phillip Shelton
Senior Transport Modeller

Phone +61 7 3877 6991  
Address Level 11, 515 St Paul's Terrace, Fortitude Valley, 4006 Queensland Australia
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-----Original Message-----
From: Boris Kolpackov <boris at codesynthesis.com> 
Sent: Monday, 14 March 2022 11:25 PM
To: Phillip Shelton <phillip.shelton at cardno.com.au>
Cc: odb-users at codesynthesis.com
Subject: Re: [odb-users] compiling odb library

Phillip Shelton <phillip.shelton at cardno.com.au> writes:

> I now have a working version of build2.
> >C:\compilers\odb_build>bpkg --version bpkg 0.14.0 libbpkg 0.14.0 
> >libbutl 0.14.0

Great! Thanks for sticking with it, wasn't exactly a smooth experience.

> I have now tried to follow your last email about odb, and I get the 
> following
> >C:\compilers\odb_build\obd-mingw>bpkg build odb-2.5.0-b.21.tar.gz 
> >libcutl-1.11.0-b.9.tar.gz libstudxml-1.1.0-b.10.tar.gz
> >error: unknown dependency libstudxml ^1.1.0- of package odb
> >info: while satisfying odb/2.5.0-b.21

I tried this and I get the same error, which feels wrong. I've filed an issue[1] to look into this.

As a work around, building them one by one in the correct order worked for me:

$ bpkg build libstudxml-1.1.0-b.10.tar.gz $ bpkg build libcutl-1.11.0-b.9.tar.gz $ bpkg build odb-2.5.0-b.21.tar.gz

[1] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/build2/build2/issues/183__;!!PwxmruxY!LhphpOl2vbXwWOjIVxk61Pd-XL83ih3bOAfQxv5lFn-vvp-EOOGtUBMVwFiGLulq1wBo8vA$ 

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