[odb-users] ODB Named pragmas

Emilio Garcia emilio.garcia at ieec.cat
Mon May 10 07:59:00 EDT 2021

Hi all,

I am checking the ODB Manual and I saw in 14 ODB Pragma Language Chapter 
that is possible to make use of #include directive to include the file 
with the odb pragma. But, I wondered if it is possible to do the other 
way round, to avoid putting odb things in the source header file. Let's 
take the example shown in the manual:

    // person.hxx
    class person
    #ifdef ODB_COMPILER
    # include "person-pragmas.hxx"

And I would like to have:

    // person.hxx
    class person

    // person-pragmas.hxx

    #include "person.hxx"

    #pragma db object(person)
    #pragma db member(person::id_) id

I must admit that I did not tried yet, I just wanted to confirm with you 
if it is possible and If it would have any side-effect before going into 
this approach.

Thanks in advance,


Emilio Garcia Quintana
emilio.garcia at ice.csic.es <mailto:emilio.garcia at ice.csic.es>
*Software Engineer*
Tel: +34 93 737 97 88 <tel:0034937379788>
Ext: 933002 <tel:933002>

Campus UAB, Carrer de Can Magrans, s/n
08193 Cerdanyola del Vallés


Institute of Space Science (IEEC-CSIC)
http://www.ice.csic.es <http://www.ice.csic.es>

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