[odb-users] How to persist a custom collection adapted from std::vector ?

ALAIN MARI alain.mari at se.com
Tue Feb 4 05:52:10 EST 2020


I am replacing an existing object database layer with odb.
I would like to make a custom persistent class which is an array of elements named os_Array.
I could easily replace this os_Array with a std::vector which is already natively persisted by odb.

But, in order to ease development migration, I just created a wrapper class like this :

     template <typename T>
     class os_Array : private std::vector<T>

In order to keep the same API.

But when I want to use my new class to persist a field like this for instance :

     typedef odb::os_Array<std::shared_ptr<int>> TIntArray;
     TIntArray                                   m_collParam;

I just get the following error message when I try to compile with odb.exe :

1>  Generating ODB schema for CrossRef.odb
1>  PXRefAddressObjRE.h:178:20: error: unable to map C++ type '::CPXRefAddressObjRE::TIntArray' used in data member 'm_collParam' to a SQLite database type
1>  PXRefAddressObjRE.h:178:20: info: use '#pragma db type' to specify the database type

What could be the best way to make my field persistent with my own wrapper class ?



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