[odb-users] Load Sqlite DB

Justin Huang yohuang at nvidia.com
Thu Oct 17 10:34:49 EDT 2019

Hi Boris,

I saved a sqlite3 db in one program, and later I tried to load the db back in second program.

The code snippet of the load program is shown below,
If I call create_schema after create_database, then the query result is empty.
If I comment out create_schema, then odb reports '1: no such table: Module' error.
I confirmed the saved db is expected using sqlite3 to open it and run 'select * from Module';

So what's the right way to open an existing DB? My understanding is to comment create_schema in load program.


            // load an existing DB
            db = std::unique_ptr<odb::database>(create_database (argc, argv));
                connection_ptr c (db->connection ());

                c->execute ("PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF");

                transaction t (c->begin ());
                schema_catalog::create_schema (*db);
                t.commit ();

                c->execute ("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON");

            typedef odb::result<Module> r;
            r all_modules (db->query<Module> ());

            for (auto i: all_modules) {
                std::cout << "name: " << i->name() << std:endl;


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