[odb-users] Self-compiling ODB on Ubuntu 18.04 (GCC/G++ version 7)

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Thu Jun 21 08:13:59 EDT 2018

Wolfgang Haupt <haupt.wolfgang at gmail.com> writes:

> Boris, maybe you can update the INSTALL file with more recent instructions?

Yes, we need to do this, it's just things are a bit in flux at the moment.

But, you should now be able to build the latest ODB compiler (and libodb*
libraries) pretty much automatically (and without CLI) from our staging


Here are the steps:

1. Build the latest staged build2 toolchain by following the installation
   instructions found here:


   BUT: using the install scripts from here:


2. Once you have the build2 toolchain, to build the ODB compiler:

   $ bpkg create -d odb-build cc config.cxx=g++
   $ cd odb-build
   $ bpkg build odb at https://stage.build2.org/1

   To install:

   $ bpkg install \
     config.install.root=/usr/local \
     config.install.sudo=sudo \

   See "Package Consumption" for more information:


Let me know if there are any issues.

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