[odb-users] Beginners question

Andrew Hoffmeyer andyh at twvending.com
Tue Jul 17 13:35:10 EDT 2018

My understanding is that automated code generation for an existing database
is not supported.  I've asked about this in the past.  There doesn't seem to
be much interest, because there are too many people with too many different
needs, and such a project would be difficult to maintain.

My advice would be to do as I have done, and create your own code generator.

Best Regards,

Andrew Hoffmeyer

-----Original Message-----
From: odb-users-bounces at codesynthesis.com
<odb-users-bounces at codesynthesis.com> On Behalf Of Ramin D
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 11:34
To: odb-users at codesynthesis.com
Subject: [odb-users] Beginners question


I receive this list since some time.
My question:
How can I make an initial C++ file (. cpp, .hpp) from a .sql input input

Thank you,





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