[odb-users] [Feature request] ODB should support CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS for SQLite (and, preferably, for other drivers)

aongeeno at openmailbox.org aongeeno at openmailbox.org
Fri Jun 16 03:29:26 EDT 2017

середа, 31 травня 2017 р. 18:11:00 EEST ви написали:
> Hi,
> aongeeno at openmailbox.org <aongeeno at openmailbox.org> writes:
> > Much better will be use supported feature CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS.
> This is not supported by all databases/versions. We could implement
> this for those that support it but we will soon have another problem:
> what if the table exists but from some older version of our application?
> To solve this you can use ODB's database schema evolution support (Chapter
> 13) which also takes care of properly detecting whether the schema does
> not yet exist.
> Boris

Thank you! I solved my problem:

odb::transaction t(db_->begin());

"As an extra convenience, migrate() will also create the database schema if none exists."

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