[odb-users] Does odb iteract well with an async environment (boost::asio)?

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Thu Sep 29 11:03:31 EDT 2016

Hi Bruno,

Bruno Pereira <bruno at wexcedo.com> writes:

> I am currently working on a distributed systems project, that does heavy
> use of the boost::asio asynchronous functionality, as such i am looking
> for a way to interact with the database that fits well in this asynchronous
> environment, and uses modern c++11/14.
> I would like to know if odb has support for such an environment.

If you are looking for something like asynchronous database operation
execution, then no, AFAIK, none of the database systems support by ODB
expose anything like this in their low-level C APIs (recent versions of
PG might, I vaguely remember reading something about that).

But using ODB in async code itself should not cause any problems.


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