[odb-users] ODB + filesystem

Boris Kolpackov boris at codesynthesis.com
Mon Oct 10 09:59:18 EDT 2016

Hi Tiago,

Tiago Macarios <tiagomacarios at gmail.com> writes:

>        #include <filesystem>
> I guess it is because the ODB compiler is based on GCC 4.9.3 and the
> filesystem libraries are only available after 5.3. What is the best thing
> to do here?
> Is there a windows build of the compiler on a more updated version of GCC
> (say 6.2)?

No, not yet. Updating GCC for the Windows build of ODB is a bit of a

Are you actually persisting any types from <filesystem> in the database?
If not, then perhaps you could exclude it from the ODB compilation
(ODB_COMPILER macro) or provide a dummy one?


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