AW: [odb-users] Inconsistency in documentation?

Marcel Nehring mne at
Tue Feb 23 04:14:00 EST 2016

Hi Boris,

> With the first version of load() you say "load me an object with this id" and,
> if this object is already in the cache, that's what's returned.
> In the second version you say "load me an object with this id into this specific instance".
> It would be strange to load it into some other instance (e.g., one from the cache)?

Of course you are right. That is a very good argument ;) In my specific case it would have still worked (since I always pass the instance from the cache) that is probably why I didn't thought about this issue.

What I originally meant was that 11.1 does not mention that only one version of load() respects the cache.

Thanks for clarifying what reload() is intended for.


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